
  • 网络Multilateral Assistance;multilateral aid
  1. 上周它又浮出了水面。上周DFID宣布,在英国对其参与的43个多边援助组织的评议中,UNESCO的表现不佳。

    It surfaced again last week , when DFID announced that UNESCO had performed poorly in a review of the UK 's membership of43 multilateral aid organisations .

  2. 为一家欧洲公司提供关于与美国和多边援助机构签订合同的建议。

    Advised a European firm on obtaining contracts with us and multilateral assistance agencies .

  3. 因此,国际多边援助在今天发挥了越来越重要的作用。

    In this way , multilateral ODA plays an increasing important role nowadays .

  4. 第五,双边和多边援助机构必须共同努力,简化程序,降低业务成本。

    Fifth , multilateral and bilateral donors must work together to simplify their procedures and reduce the cost of doing business .

  5. 国际援助主要包括捐助国双边援助、联合国系统的多边援助及非政府组织私人捐助等。

    The international supports include : the donate country 's bilateral support , multilateral support among the United Nations system , and the NGO 's private support .

  6. 此外,多边援助机构还为发达国家和发展中国家提供了一个有利的平台,用于更好地协调援助活动、应对当前全球问题。

    Also , multilateral ODA could be better used to improve the poverty of undeveloped countries . Multilateral agencies supply a good arena for better coordination with global issues .

  7. UNDP是世界上最大的多边技术援助机构。

    UNDP is the largest multilateral technical aid agency in the world .

  8. 多边人口援助监测报告

    Report on the Monitoring of Multilateral Population Assistance

  9. 多边粮食援助问题研究方案

    Programme of studies on multilateral food aid

  10. 相比双边发展援助,多边发展援助具有很多优势,例如透明度较高,所含国家私利更少,方便发展中国家更好地利用援助。

    Compared with bilateral ODA , multilateral ODA boasts its great advantages and functions , such as higher transparency , less state interests .

  11. 如中国通过联合国发展援助系统、世界银行和各区域合作组织积极参与国际多边发展援助,同时中国也加大了人道主义援助和对不发达国家的援助规模等。

    So through UN development aid systems , World Bank and various regional organizations , China actively participates in Multinational development aid and increases its humanitarian aid and foreign assistance towards under-developed countries .

  12. 国际多边发展援助是指能够提供多边援助的世界性及地区性机构帮助发展中国家及地区发展经济和提高社会福利的具体活动,是国际经济合作的重要方式之一。

    As one of the most important activities in international economic cooperation , international multilateral development assistance is the specific help given by global or regional donors , including international or regional organizations and institutions , to help developing countries and regions develop themselves and improve social welfares .

  13. 世界粮食计划署等多边组织的食品援助减少了14%,而资金较为雄厚、且往往有强大政治利益维持援助数量的政府对政府双边援助减少了13%。

    Multilateral organisations , such as the WFP , suffered a 14 per cent decline , while bilateral government-to-government aid schemes , with deeper pockets and often a strong political interest in maintaining volumes , fell 13 per cent .

  14. 调查结果令人不禁质疑:中国在发展中世界倡导一些人所称的“北京共识”、潜在与世行等多边机构以及美欧援助机构的建议对着干,究竟取得了多大实效?

    The findings raise questions about just how effective China has been in getting traction in the developing world for what some have called the " Beijing Consensus " as a potential rival to the advice of multilateral institutions such as the World Bank and US and European aid agencies .