
duō biān tán pàn
  • multilateral negotiation
  1. 在WTO新一轮的多边谈判回合中,贸易与环境问题更被列为议题之一。

    In the new round of multilateral negotiation among WTO members , Trade and Environment has become one of the issues on the agenda .

  2. 在WTO的多边谈判协议中,我国做出了关于服务贸易中建筑及有关工程服务领域中的减让等承诺。

    In the multilateral negotiation process of China 's entry into WTO , China made the concession commitment in the field of Construction and related services .

  3. 农业多功能性问题是WTO的新一轮农业多边谈判的重要内容,也是许多成员方争论的热点问题。

    The multi-functionality is one of the most important issues heatedly discussed by the memberships of WTO in the newly agriculture multi-trade negotiation .

  4. 构造性解题方法基于多目标遗传算法求解多边谈判问题的Pareto解

    Method Based on Genetic Algorithms for Generating Pareto Solutions in Multilateral Negotiations

  5. 介绍了多哈回合谈判焦点之一的农业谈判中国内支持问题,在分析目前农业支持的政策和执行出现的问题后,对中国在加入WTO后第一次参与多边谈判的立场提出了若干建议。

    The author introduces the domestic support about agriculture negotiations in the Doha Round , then make some suggestion for Doha round negotiations on Agriculture .

  6. 在《WTO协定》生效之日起2年内,应就本协定项下服务的政府采购问题进行多边谈判。

    There shall be multilateral negotiations on government procurement in services under this Agreement within two years from the date of entry into force of the WTO Agreement .

  7. 该Agent联盟形成以Agent间多边谈判为基本机制,以Agent的个体福利和MAS系统的整体福利为导向。

    The alliance formed by Agent between Agent for the basic mechanism , multilateral talks with the Agent of individual welfare and benefits of the whole system of MAS .

  8. 这是因为作为WTO成员可以利用多边谈判机制,在互惠的前提下平等地参与国际竞争与合作;

    Having a WTO membership , it will be possible for China to participate into international competition and cooperation with the mechanism of multilateral negotiation and share the principle of reciprocal benefits .

  9. 美国助理国务卿克里斯托弗希尔(christopherhill)昨日出人意料地访问平壤,努力恢复旨在敦促朝鲜放弃核计划、且谈且停的多边谈判。

    Christopher Hill , the US Assistant Secretary of state , yesterday paid a surprise visit to Pyongyang to try to revive the stop-start multilateral talks aimed at convincing North Korea to relinquish its nuclear ambitions .

  10. 自从多哈回合(DohaRound)多边谈判(多哈回合在2001年9月11日恐怖袭击之后不久启动)失败以来,全球贸易政策的焦点已转向仅限于某个伙伴国集团的诸边协定。

    Since the failure of the Doha round of multilateral negotiations launched shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11 2001 the focus of global trade policy has shifted towards plurilateral agreements restricted to a limited subgroup of partners .

  11. 2001年开始的多哈回合贸易自由化多边谈判和最近刚刚取消的“多种纤维协定”(MFA)将在全球贸易自由化进程中发挥重要的作用。

    The Doha Round of trade negotiation and the recent phasing out of the Multi Fiber Agreement ( MFA ) have stimulated the process of trade liberalization .

  12. 与伊朗关系没有缓和、中东和平进程没有任何突破性进展、在阿富汗未取得胜利,愿意通过多边谈判与世界接触,尚未证明比乔治w布什(georgew.bush)强悍的单边主义效果更好。

    There has been no rapprochement with Iran , no breakthrough in the Middle East peace process , no victory in Afghanistan , no confirmation that a willingness to engage with the world in multilateral negotiations will yield better results than the muscular unilateralism of President George W. Bush .

  13. 中国目前从FTA中获得的直接经济利益虽然相对有限,但仍然可从缓解国内面临的资源压力、赢得经济发展的良好外部环境、增强多边谈判中的地位等方面实现自己的利益。

    Although what China has gained from FTA directly are relatively limited , the benefits could be realized from the aspects such as alleviating the resource pressures , maintaining favorable external environment for economic development and improving negotiating position in multilateral negotiations .

  14. 纵观服务贸易研究的成果,主要是从两个方面来研究它的:一是研究国际服务贸易的纯理论,二是研究GATS下服务贸易多边谈判体系及服务贸易政策。

    Studying trade in services is sure to start from two respects . First , study the pure theory of trade in services , second , study the multilateral negotiation system of trade in services and service trade policy under GATS .

  15. 农业多边谈判中的热带产品问题分析

    Analysis of the Tropical Products in Multilateral Negotiation on Agriculture

  16. 卢对削减钢铁产能的多边谈判表示支持。

    Mr Lew expressed support for multilateral negotiations on cutting steel capacity .

  17. 继续通过具有普遍代表性的多边谈判机制谈判缔结新条约;

    New treaties should be concluded through a broadly representative multilateral negotiations mechanism ;

  18. 多边谈判中的农产品关税升级问题研究

    Research on Tariff Escalation in Multilateral Agriculture Negotiation

  19. 社会动机、任务结构、交流媒介对多边谈判策略及其结果的影响

    The Effects of Social Motivation , Task Structure and Communication Media on Multilateral Negotiation

  20. 出席中东和平会谈多边谈判的秘书长特别代

    Special Representative of the Secretary-General to the multilateral negotiations of the Middle East peace talks

  21. 美国将愿意协调多边谈判。

    The US would be willing to facilitate multilateral negotiations , the secretary of state said .

  22. 组织基础&WTO的建立,把国际服务贸易纳入多边谈判的范畴;

    The organizational foundation-the foundation of WTO and WTO has taken it as one of its topic ;

  23. 随着世界贸易自由化的发展,农业多边谈判已经成为关注的焦点。

    With the development of global trade liberalization , talks about agricultural products have become focus of attention .

  24. 乌拉圭回合服务贸易多边谈判,经过长期艰苦的努力,终于达成协定。

    An agreement of service trade has been reached at Uruguay Round after long period of great efforts .

  25. 美国正对各方施压,敦促他们通过地区性的多边谈判(而非双边谈判)解决纠纷。

    The US is pressuring all those involved to resolve the disputes through regional rather than bilateral negotiations .

  26. 明天在达沃斯召开的会议,将讨论是否重启去年7月暂停的多边谈判。

    Tomorrow 's meeting will discuss whether to reopen the multilateral talks , which were suspended last July .

  27. 应就紧急保障措施问题在非歧视原则基础上进行多边谈判。

    There shall be multilateral negotiations on the question of emergency safeguard measures based on the principle of non-discrimination .

  28. 石广生表示,在双边谈判中没有满足的要价,将不可能通过多边谈判获得。

    Shi said the requirements that have not been met in bilateral negotiations are unlikely to be reached through multilateral talks .

  29. 本章概述了我国反垄断法的立法现状,并提出了我国应对未来的多边谈判的所应持的态度及对策。

    This chapter outlines the status of our anti-trust legislations , and puts forward our response and measures to the future multilateral negotiations .

  30. 而在世界贸易组织即将开始的新一轮多边谈判中,地理标志保护是农产品谈判中的重要议题。

    In the upcoming session of WTO multilateral negotiation , Geographical Indications protection is a major topic in the talk on agricultural commodities .