
  • 网络distributive bargaining;distributive;distribution bargaining
  1. 谈判既可能是分配式谈判,也可能是整合式谈判。

    Negotiation may be distributed , may also be integrated .

  2. 动态联盟利益分配的谈判模型研究

    The Research for the Negotiation Model about the Benefit Allocation of the Dynamic Alliance

  3. 在围绕股权分配的谈判中,大部分合伙人都会觉得自己所得的少于自己应得的。

    In negotiations over shareholdings , most partners think they deserve more than they actually get .

  4. 分配式谈判是指谈判双方的利益完全不一致,谈判一方的获益必然会导致另一方的受损。

    Distributed negotiation is the interests of the negotiating parties is completely inconsistent , benefit party will inevitably lead to damage to the other party .

  5. 其次,进行人力资本分享企业收益的权变分析和经营者人力资本产权激励的公司治理效应研究,建立了人力资本收益分配的谈判力权变模型。

    Secondly , the negotiations strength model with non-human capital is set up . And also , the corporate governance effect of human capital rights is analyzed .

  6. 企业的契约性与利益相关者理论具有一致性,利益相关者对企业的所有权分配进行谈判,谈判的结果决定了企业的治理结构,企业治理结构是内生的,需要随着时代的发展而发展。

    The contract nature of the firm proves to be consistence with stakeholders theory . The stakeholders bargain for the ownership of the firm , and the outcome of the bargaining determines the governance of the firm .

  7. 探讨了单买方多供应商基于供应链利润分配的多边谈判,其中的供应商具有不同讨价还价力。

    Multilateral negotiation based on the distribution of supply chain profit is discussed between one buyer and multiple suppliers who have different bargaining powers .

  8. 本文通过引入资本的专用性、专有性这两个概念,探讨了不同类型资本在参与公司组织租金分配过程中谈判力和掌握公司控制权上的差异。

    Through the introduction of the concept of specification of asset and specificity of asset , the article discusses the difference of negotiation power and control capability of different types of capital in the distribution of organizational rents .

  9. 这是一个关于经济盈余分配的两方谈判。

    this is a two-player negotiation over the division of economic surplus .

  10. 忘掉需求曲线吧;这是一个关于经济盈余分配的两方谈判。

    Forget the demand curve ; this is a two-player negotiation over the division of economic surplus .

  11. 圣普政府已经授出了与尼日利亚共同开采区中一号石油区块的开采权,目前就其它9个区块的分配问题正在进行谈判。

    The government has already granted the concession of the first oil bloc in the joint development area with Nigeria and is currently negotiating the attribution of nine more .

  12. 在围绕海底资源的分配与开发的谈判中,发展中国家与发达国家之间从集团和国家利益出发,在海底制度设计上既针锋相对又相互让步,最终促使了国际海底制度的产生。

    In order to distribute and explore these resources , both developing countries and developed countries began to negotiate on the design of seabed system according to their group and national interests . Through conflict and compromise , the international seabed system was finally settled on .