
fēn qī fù kuǎn
  • hire purchase;payment by instalments;instalment plan
分期付款[fēn qī fù kuǎn]
  1. 可按分期付款处理。

    Payment by instalments can be arranged .

  2. 分期付款,我们现在可以采用了。

    We have adopted , for example , payment by instalments .

  3. 我们以分期付款方式购买一座新炉具。

    We 're buying a new cooker on hire purchase .

  4. 他们未能继续按时交付这笔分期付款。

    They were unable to keep up the instalments .

  5. 本价格可按月分期付款。

    The price is payable in monthly instalments .

  6. 计划的一部分是只提供一笔贷款,通常是分期付款贷款。

    Offering only one loan , usually an installment loan , is part of the plan .

  7. 他以分期付款的方式买了一台崭新的小轿车。

    He bought a brand-new car on instalments .

  8. 我以每周付5美元的分期付款方式购买了一台新照相机。

    I bought my new camera by paying five dollars a week on account .

  9. 正是这几年支付的分期付款利息,才使房子的价格上涨了。

    It 's the interest payments that knock on the price of a house over the years .

  10. 提姆第一次被捕是在那一年的晚些时候那时他刚满11岁那时查克的通缉刚被取消然后他要以分期付款的方式支付他的诉讼费当时他用他女友的车载提姆到学校

    Tim 's first arrest came later that year after he turned 11 . Chuck had managed to get his warrant lifted and he was on a payment plan for the court fees and he was driving Tim to school in his girlfriend 's car .

  11. C3-氯代头孢烯酸类衍生物头孢克洛2001年在美国的销售额超过8千万美元,位居抗生素类药物销售额第二位。分期付款买卖制度研究

    In 2001 , the sales of On Installment Selling System

  12. 用Excel设计带息分期付款万能查询系统

    Using Excel to Design Versatile Inquiry System of Installment with Interest

  13. n.分期付款潘妮将分六十期偿还她的助学贷款。

    installment Penny will pay off her student loans in 60 installments .

  14. 在一次申请分期付款被底特律国家银行(NationalBankofDetroit)拒绝以后,他没有把这家银行作为抵制对象,而是在比赛淡季去那里工作,学习贷款业务。

    Turned down for a mortgage by the National Bank of Detroit , Bing decided not to boycott the bank but to work there in the off-season to learn the lending business .

  15. 该服务提供给招商银行(cmb)信用卡用户,还允许长达24期的分期付款。

    The service , which is offered to holders of China Merchants Bank credit cards , also allows payment in up to 24 instalments .

  16. 另一个因素也可能成为苹果一大利好。诚然,在iPhone6大获成功之后,苹果公司的业绩或许很难再上一层楼。不过,无线网络运营商提供的新设备分期付款计划也许会鼓励用户购买新iPhone。

    Another factor working in Apple 's favor is that while the company may have a hard time outdoing its blockbuster sales for the iPhone 6 , new equipment installment plans from wireless carriers might encourage adoption for the new iPhone by consumers .

  17. GarmanandForgue(2000)指出:分期付款债务,消费者用他们的资产和将来的收入来获得分期付款借款。

    Garman and Forgue ( 2000 ) indicated that consumers used installment use completely depended on their asset and future income .

  18. 今年3月,它推出了与中国智能手机制造商酷派(Coolpad)合建的一个网站,方便购买手机的用户分期付款。

    Last month , it launched a website with Chinese smartphone manufacturer Coolpad to facilitate instalment payments for mobile phone purchases .

  19. 但苹果6S也并非输的一塌糊涂,瑞士信贷称,那些拥有iPhone的人还是倾向于持有一台6S,并且苹果最新推出的分期付款计划,将会把它送到比以往任何时候都都要多的人群手中。

    But not all is lost , Credit Suisse says : People who have iPhones tend to keep them , and Apple 's new iPhone installment plan program will put it into the hands of more people than ever before .

  20. 因为拖欠按月应付的分期付款,他的汽车被收回了。

    His car was repossessed because of default of monthly installment .

  21. 他先付50英镑定金,其余的按月分期付款。

    He paid 50 down and the rest in monthly instalment .

  22. 出售土地分期付款法,一九六九年第七十二号

    Sale of Land on Installments Act , No. 72 of 1969

  23. 这笔分期付款应在每季度末支付。

    The instalment is payable at the end of each quarter .

  24. 跨越薪酬管理的陷阱分期付款买卖制度研究

    Warn in g : The Payment Trap On Installment Selling System

  25. 可以在每个月底进行分期付款。

    The installments are payable at the end of each month .

  26. 第二按揭分期付款贷款是这样一个可行的选择。

    Second mortgage installment loans are one such viable option .

  27. 我用分期付款买了这座房子。

    I paid for the house by divided payments ( instalment ) .

  28. 我们已采取了分期付款、补偿贸易等贸易方式。

    We have adopted payment by installment compensation trade and so on .

  29. 如果没有偿还分期付款的话,就会发出一封催款信。

    If an instalment is not paid , a reminder is issued .

  30. 是收到没有分期付款商品目录的顾客。

    The ones who did not receive the instalment offer .