
  1. 动产抵押标的物范围的界定,对于整个动产抵押制度能否发挥其促进经济发展的作用,有着十分重要的意义。

    The demarcation of the scope of chattel mortgage subject matter has extremely vital significance for the whole of the chattel mortgage system to play its role to promote the economic development .

  2. 第三部分在第二部分之基础上,揭示了限定动产抵押标的物范围的根本原因&缺乏有效的公示方式。

    On the basis of the second part , the third part reveals the root causes for the definition of the scope of the subject matter-being lack of effective means of publicity .

  3. 按揭在抵押担保标的向政府主管机关办理登记手续后方生效;

    The mortgage becomes effective after the charge security target is gone through the registration form by the subjective government institutions ;

  4. 这就是标的物的流动性。日本法上的流动动产让与担保和动产浮动抵押的标的物在标的物的结晶前一直处于流出流入的浮动状态。

    Before crystallizing , the subject matter of floating chattel mortgage in Japan Law and Movable Property Floating Charge is in the floating condition as like inflow and outflow .

  5. 随着工业化进程的加快,商品经济的迅猛发展,在物尽其用观念的推波助澜下,将抵押之标的限定于不动产抵押已经不合时宜。

    With the acceleration of the process of industrialization , and the rapid development of commodity economy , under the concept of making full use of property , it is outdated to limit the subject of mortgage within real estate .

  6. 摩根大通(jpmorganchase)已开始借助一般应用在反恐领域的技术查探员工欺诈风险,并解决一些问题,如问题抵押贷款的标的房地产在出售时如何定价。

    JPMorgan Chase has turned to technology used for countering terrorism to spot fraud risk among its own employees and to tackle problems such as deciding how much to charge when selling property behind troubled mortgages .

  7. 抵押合同的标的为抵押权,而非抵押物本身。

    The object of mortgage property itself , but the right of mortgage .

  8. 公司不得接受本公司的股票作为抵押权的标的。

    A company may not accept the company 's own share certificates as collateral .

  9. 由于不同法律对抵押权的标的规定不同,因此对船舶抵押权的标的进行了重点探讨。

    Because different laws make different stipulation , the chapter focus on the object of the ship mortgage .

  10. 我国在1995年的《担保法》中就已经确立了动产可以成为抵押担保的标的物。

    In 1995 , our country enacted the Guaranty Law which establishes that the chattel mortgage guarantee can become the subject matter .

  11. 知识产权作为抵押权的标的,符合现代物权法定原则的发展趋势。

    It 's well in the trend of statutory principle of modern property law to treat intellectual property rights as subject matters of hypothec .

  12. 物上代位性是物权的重要特征,抵押权作为支配标的物“交换价值”的担保物权,当然也有物上代位性。

    As the right of guaranteed goods that justified the exchange value of the subject matter , mortgage right certainly has the characteristic of subrogation .

  13. 主要表现在动产抵押公示的不足、动产抵押标的物范围过于宽泛以及动产抵押权和质权效力规则的缺失。

    Those problems mainly shows up in the shortcoming of chattel mortgage public summons system , overbroad scope of chattel collaterals and the lack of rules of chattel mortgage right and pledge .

  14. 首先对房地产抵押合同的性质,房地产抵押的标的物这两个有争议的问题提出了自己的看法。

    The first , declares the author 's opinions on the nature of the contract of real estate mortgage and the mortgage property , two controversial issues .

  15. 动产抵押物的交易会引起抵押权人和标的受让人之间的利益冲突。

    The trade of the chattel mortgage subject could cause a conflict between the mortgagee and assignee .

  16. 第二章接下来就对船舶抵押权的客体,也即是船舶抵押标的范围的确定问题,提出一定探讨。

    Chapter 2 devotes to the definition of the object-matter of the mortgage of ships , and the conclusion is that in addition to the traditional mortgaged ship , the freight and rent should also be included .

  17. 相对于传统抵押而言,浮动抵押更具灵活性,并具有抵押标的的复合性和浮动性、权利性质可转化性及抵押额的可变性等特征。

    Compared with a traditional mortgage , the floating charge is more flexible : it has a compound and a floating mortgage target ; it has a transformative nature of right ; it has a changeable mortgage amount .

  18. 浮动抵押中抵押财产的结晶,是指为确定浮动抵押标的物的范围,而于法定或约定的事由发生时,将浮动抵押固定化为固定抵押的过程。

    The crystallization in floating charge is about the process that floating charge can become fixed charge when some statutory or agreed reasons come . It is to fix the range of secured property .

  19. 财团抵押制度是大陆法系国家创制的以企业特定的集合财产为抵押标的物的担保制度。

    The inventory mortgage system is a system of guarantee created by continental law system countries , with certain given property of enterprises as its collaterals .

  20. 第二部分主要介绍最高额抵押的法律关系,包括最高额抵押人和抵押权人、最高额抵押标的物、最高额抵押人和抵押权人的权利义务。

    The second part presents the legal relationship of the maximum mortgage , including the maximum mortgagor and mortgagee , the rights and obligations of the maximum mortgage parties , and the maximum mortgage subject matter .

  21. 本文通过与抵押权制度相比较的方法,从三个方面来分析该制度的优越性,即从让与担保与抵押权的标的范围、公示方法、实行方式,论证了该制度积极的社会功能。

    Through the comparison , this article analyzes the superiority of guaranty alienation from three aspects : the object scope , the display method and the way to practise , and demonstrates its positive social function .