
dǐ yā cái chǎn
  • Mortgaged property;hypothecated property;property under mortgage;mortgage sb.'s property
  1. 抵押财产被查封、扣押;

    The mortgaged property is sealed up or seized ;

  2. 在经济衰退时期,银行往往采用没收抵押财产充当债款的方式对待财政困难的企业。

    In a recession banks tend to foreclose on businesses that are in financial difficulty .

  3. 因灭失所得的赔偿金,应当作为抵押财产。

    The compensation obtained for the loss or destruction shall be used as the mortgaged property .

  4. 在进行年度帐户复核的同时可以对公司的抵押财产进行检查。审查帐目(监查帐目)

    The inspection of the property may be carried out at the time annual review of the account .

  5. 法人团体,可以诉讼及被诉,可以拥有、租赁、出售或抵押财产。

    A company is a body corporate , can sue and be sued , and can own , lease , sell or mortgage property .

  6. 一种加速条款,要求在转让抵押财产所有权时,完全偿还抵押贷款余额。

    A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property .

  7. 本周我们推出了一个新政策来帮助那些房产贬值的家庭给他们的抵押财产重新注资并且节省了几千美元。

    This week , we announced a new policy that will help families whose home values have fallen refinance their mortgages and save thousands of dollars .

  8. 我一年做一次身体检查。在进行年度帐户复核的同时可以对公司的抵押财产进行检查。

    I get a physical examination once a year . The inspection of the property may be carried out at the time annual review of the account .

  9. 前款所列赔偿请求,无论提出的方式有何不同,均可以限制赔偿责任。火险保单上关于已抵押财产的赔偿顺序条款

    All the claims set out in the preceding paragraph , whatever the way they are lodged , may be entitled to limitation of liability . full contribution mortgage clause

  10. 根据“提前消费思想”,给出新型养老保险模型&对具有一定年龄的老人可以抵押财产提前消费,文中引进了马尔可夫过程,现金价值理论来优化模型。

    According to advance consumption , this paper presents a new estate mortgage model to solve it , applying the Markovian process , the cash value to optimize it .

  11. 债权,要求权索回被抵押财产的抵押权的请求期满未答复的,该复审请求视为撤回;

    The claim of a mortgagee upon mortgaged property . If the time limit for making response is not met , the request for reexamination shall be deemed to have been withdrawn .

  12. 但由于信用等级普遍较低、缺乏可抵押财产、商业银行与企业之间信息不对称等原因,融资难成为制约其生存和发展的主要问题。

    However , because of the low credit rating , the lack of the mortgaged property and the asymmetric information between commercial bank and enterprises , financing has been the main problem as a constraint to its survival and development .

  13. 你掌管抵押她财产的公司。

    Because you own the company that mortgages her properties .

  14. 还清贷款后赎回了抵押的财产。付出赎金赎回本身[人命]

    Property on which money has been lent is redeemed when the loan is paid back .

  15. 占有被抵押的财产或取消抵押财产的赎回权处分抵押财产所得,抵押权人有优先受偿权。

    The mortgagee shall have the priority of compensation with respect to the receipts resulting from the disposal of the mortgaged property .

  16. 随着经济的发展,能作为担保的物的价值及属性是不断变化的,可用于抵押的财产日益增多。

    With the development of the economy , the value and attribute of the mortgaged property is always changing and the property which may be mortgaged is increasingly added .

  17. 总之,这款车的设计令人印象深刻,特别是考虑到这四个人是通过向亲戚借钱和抵押自己财产的方式来制成他们的首部超级跑车的。

    All in all , it 's an impressive design , especially considering that the four guys who built it had to borrow money fromrelatives and pawn off some of their own possessions just to finish the firstsupercar prototypes .

  18. 本文通过对我国住房贷款保险制度的介绍,分析了当前我国住房贷款保险存在的问题,并创造性地提出了诸如设立抵押房产财产保险和房贷险信用保险等相应的可行性对策。

    In this paper , through the introduction of housing-loan insurance system , the problems existing in housing-loan insurance are analyzed and some relative feasible countermeasures such as designing mortgage property insurance and housing-loan credit insurance are put forward creatively .

  19. 银行取消了抵押人的财产赎回权。

    The bank foreclosed a mortgage on the property .

  20. 浮动抵押中抵押财产的结晶,是指为确定浮动抵押标的物的范围,而于法定或约定的事由发生时,将浮动抵押固定化为固定抵押的过程。

    The crystallization in floating charge is about the process that floating charge can become fixed charge when some statutory or agreed reasons come . It is to fix the range of secured property .

  21. 在创设阶段要对设押主体进行相应的限制;同时要扩大我国浮动抵押中抵押财产的范围;还要构建完善登记公示制度。

    Stage in the creation of the encumbered subject to the restrictions accordingly ; the same time to expand our floating charge in the range of the mortgaged property ; but also to build a sound system of notification of registration .

  22. 执行市场抵押时作出的财产处置;

    A disposition of property made in enforcing a market charge ;

  23. 购买价金担保权的产生与法律对浮动抵押中嗣后所得财产条款效力的承认息息相关。

    The origin of purchase money security interest is closely related to the recognition of after acquired property clause in the floating charge .

  24. 以企业的设备和其他动产抵押的,为财产所在地的工商行政管理部门。

    If equipment and other movable properties are mortgaged , the registration shall be handled by the local industrial and commercial administration departments .

  25. 在休眠阶段,我们要界定日常经营行为的范围,并且认为抵押人对抵押财产行使自由处分权时不能够超越一范围。

    In the dormant stage , we have to define the scope of daily business activities , and that the mortgagor the exercise of freedom of disposition of property can not be beyond the scope of the time .

  26. 抵押权设立后抵押财产出租的,该租赁关系不得对抗已登记的抵押权。

    If a mortgagor leases the mortgaged property after the creation of the mortgage interest , the leasing relation may not be used against the registered mortgage interest .

  27. 抵押人不恢复抵押财产的价值也不提供担保的,抵押权人有权要求债务人提前清偿债务。

    Where the mortgagor neither recovers the value nor provides any security , the mortgagee has the right to require the obligor to pay off the debts in advance .

  28. 浮动抵押制度的优势就是抵押财产范围广泛包含动产、不动产、有形资产、无形资产及未来财产,登记灵活、简便,成本低。

    Floating mortgage system advantage is wide range includes the mortgaged property movable property , real estate , tangible assets , intangible assets and future property , registration in a flexible and easy , low cost .

  29. 同时,指出了浮动抵押存在容易垄断抵押人财产、容易造成抵押人滥用处分权和风险相对较大等制度弊端。

    At the same time , pointed out that the floating mortgage in mortgage of property , easy to cause monopoly mortgage abuse of dispositions and the risk is relatively large , the abuse of the system .

  30. 可设定抵押的动产范围限定过窄,抵押财产转让方面有违商品经济的本质要求及对受让人明显不公平。

    The restrictions on transferring movable collaterals are against the inherent needs of a market-orientated economy and are obviously unfair to the assignees .