
  1. 为平衡抵押各方当事人利益,应建立抵押权期限制度。

    To balance the interests of mortgage party , we must establish mortgage term system .

  2. 论抵押物转让中当事人利益的保护

    Analysis of Protection of Parties ' Benefit in Mortgage Transfer

  3. 第一章就设定船舶抵押权的有关当事人的确定方面的问题作出了详细的分析和解构。

    In chapter 1 the author provides an analysis of the parties concerned in establishing the mortgage of ships .

  4. 房地产抵押价值由抵押当事人协商议定,或者由房地产估价机构进行评估。

    The real estate mortgage value shall be agreed upon by the parties to the mortgage through negotiations , or be assessed by a real estate appraisal institution .

  5. 抵押权是指当事人约定成立的,不以担保权人取得对标的物的占有为成立条件的,以优先清偿债务为内容的担保物权。

    Mortgage refers to the real right for security that its content is the priority of clearing off debts , and it 's not formed by possession of subject matter by the guarantor according to the parties ' engagement .

  6. 房地产抵押不仅涉及到抵押当事人(抵押权人和抵押人)还涉及到抵押登记机构。

    Real estate mortgage not only relates to the parties to the mortgage ( the mortgagor and mortgagee ), but also relates to the mortgage registration mechanism .

  7. 动产抵押登记可由抵押合同双方当事人共同向动产抵押登记机关办理,也可以委托代理人向动产抵押登记机关办理。

    The chattel mortgage registration may be handled at the chattel mortgage registration authority by both parties to the mortgage or their agents .

  8. 从法律的角度讨论房地产抵押的概念,以保障房地产抵押当事人的合法权益,减少房地产抵押纠纷。

    It discusses the concept of " Estate mortgage " from the law angle , to guarantee the legal rights of the concerned persons who mortgage house and reduce the dispute of Estate Mortgage .

  9. 最高额抵押确定后,法律应赋予最高额抵押当事人减额请求权和消灭请求权。

    The law should give the maximum mortgagor the reduce application institution and extinctive application institution when the maximum mortgage confirms .

  10. 在抵押房地产保险方面法律、法规尚未建立、健全的情况下,抵押当事人应当审慎对待抵押房地产的保险问题。

    The prudent mortgagees should take much care about it when the adequate law and regulation on the insurance are yet to be established .

  11. 所以健全房地产抵押制度,完善相关配套制度措施,对促进经济交易,充分发挥房地产抵押担保的优越性,保护抵押双方当事人的合法利益,都具有重大的理论意义和实用价值。

    Therefore , a sound real estate mortgage system , improve the supporting system of measures to promote economic trade , give full play to the superiority of the real estate collateral to protect the legitimate interests of secured parties , are of great theoretical and practical value .