
  1. 论抵押权登记的公信力

    On the public confidence of registration of right to mortgage

  2. 船舶抵押权登记制度的规范与完善

    Analyzing the amendment and improvement of the registration system of mortgage of ships

  3. 浅谈船舶抵押权登记中价值评估风险防范

    Measures against assessment risk in registration of ship mortagage

  4. 我国船舶抵押权登记法律实务

    Domestic ship mortgage right registration law and practice

  5. 论动产抵押权登记及其对抗力问题

    Registration of Chattel Mortgage Right and Its Antagonism

  6. 论动产抵押权登记生效原则的合理性

    On chattel mortgage register effectiveness principle 's rationality

  7. 船舶所有权登记证书、船舶抵押权登记证书、光船租赁登记证书。

    Register of certificates to bearer the vessel ownership registration certificate , the vessel mortgage registration certificate , and the bareboat charter registration .

  8. 首先,对动产抵押权登记的申请权和地域管辖进行了分析和说明,主张我国应建立登记请求权制度。

    Firstly , the essay explains the right of application and the territorial jurisdiction , holding the opinion our law should prescribe enrolling claim right .

  9. 抵押权登记的公信力源于物权法的“公示公信”原则,两者内涵一致。

    The public confidence of registration of right to mortgage can be traced to real right law 's principle of public summons and public confidence .

  10. 建造中的船舶办理抵押权登记,还应当向船舶登记机关提交船舶建造合同。

    In registering the mortgage of a ship under construction , the building contract of the ship shall as well be submitted to the ship registration authorities .

  11. 但建造中船舶之抵押权登记,以建造地航政机关为主管机关。

    However , the shipping administration authority at the port of construction shall be the competent authority in charge of the registration of mortgage of the ship during construction .

  12. 工作的方法三、抵押权的登记。

    The Right Way to Work Part III Registration of mortgage .

  13. 抵押权的登记。论劳动产权

    Part III Registration of mortgage . On the Property Rights of Labour

  14. 抵押权自登记时设立。

    When hypothec is registered oneself , establish .

  15. 船舶抵押权的登记与实现

    Registration and realization of ship mortgage

  16. 船舶登记机关应当允许公众查询船舶抵押权的登记状况。

    The ship registration administration should make the information about the registration of ship mortgage available to the public .

  17. 《担保法》规定的动产抵押权因登记取得的对抗效力也严重不合理。

    " Guarantee Law " is seriously unreasonable for the provision that the chattel mortgage rights acquire adverse effectiveness by registration .

  18. 着重论述并分析船舶抵押权的登记效力和未经登记的船舶抵押权的冲突问题以及船舶抵押权的实现。

    The validity of registered ship mortgage , the conflict of the ship mortgages failing to be registered , and the realization of ship mortgage are expounded emphatically .

  19. 可以说善意因素是不动产抵押权之登记表征与实际情况不符时而受到法律保护的根本原因之所在。

    The good faith factor can be called as the fundamental reason why the actual situation is protected by law when it is inconsistent with the immovable mortgage registration .

  20. 在统一登记立法的框架下,本文提出应当区分不同的动产,交由工商机关对大多数种类的动产抵押权进行登记。

    Under the framework of the legislation , distinction should be made between different movable , the industrial and commercial authorities is demanded to registrant most types of movable mortgage .

  21. 建立和完善抵押权公示制度、登记制度及善意取得制度是完善抵押权物权性立法的重要前提。

    It is essential for China 's legislation of the real right character of mortgage to build and perfect mortgage-promulgating system , registration system , and hold-in-good-faith system .

  22. 以权利客体不发生占有转移为特征的抵押权,不可能采用交付形式,进而登记便成为唯一的选择。18世纪,现代抵押权登记制度正式确立。

    Without the transfer of possession , hypothec cannot adapt delivery and consequently had registration as the only choice , hypothec registration was founded in 18 century .

  23. 本部分旨在突出《物权法》对抵押权实现程序的改进,抵押权人只要依据抵押合同和抵押权登记证书即可直接向法院申请拍卖、变卖抵押财产。

    This section is designed to highlight the jus rerum to improvement of the realizable process . The mortgagee can be directly to the court for auction or liquidate the mortgaged property according to a mortgage contract .

  24. 动产抵押是传统不动产抵押扩展的结果,动产抵押权也应采用登记生效原则。

    Chattel mortgage is the result of the expansion of the traditional immovables , and chattel mortgage rights should comply with the principle of going into effect after registration .

  25. 在债务人不偿债时,抵押权人不能直接让抵押人交出抵押物,实现抵押权,但可以持抵押权登记簿副本直接申请法院拍卖抵押物。

    When the debtor do not refund the debt , the mortgager cannot get the guaranty directly , but he may put in for the court to auction guaranty .