
dǐ yā hé tonɡ
  • mortgage contract;pignorative contract
  1. 抵押合同签订的相关法律问题分析

    Close Analysis of Legal Problems about Signing Mortgage Contract

  2. 抵押合同一般包括下列条款。

    In general , a mortgage contract shall contain the items as follows .

  3. 抵押合同的标的为抵押权,而非抵押物本身。

    The object of mortgage property itself , but the right of mortgage .

  4. 抵押合同与抵押权

    The Mortgage Contract And the Mortgage Rights

  5. 公证机构赋予抵押合同具有强制执行效力之法理探析

    Jurisprudential Discussion on the Issue that Public Notarization Authorities Grant Compulsory Enforcement Force for Mortgage Contracts

  6. 根据我的抵押合同的升降条款,利率下降,我的付款额也下降。

    Under the escalator clase of my mortgage agreement , my payments decreased when interest rates were lowered .

  7. 此外,环境管理体系提供了抵押合同的评价-科系排名次助攻的准买家早在决策阶段。

    Moreover , the EMS offers mortgage contract evaluation and ranking to assists the prospective buyer earlier in the decision-making stage .

  8. 抵押合同不得违反国家法律、法规和土地使用权出让合同的规定。

    Such mortgage contract may not conflict with the provisions of State legislation or the contract for the grant of the leasehold .

  9. 这一认识为公证机构依法赋予抵押合同以强制执行效力提供了最基本的逻辑前提。

    The acknowledgement of it provides basic logic precondition for notary organization to render validity of enforcement to a mortgage contract according to law .

  10. 首先对房地产抵押合同的性质,房地产抵押的标的物这两个有争议的问题提出了自己的看法。

    The first , declares the author 's opinions on the nature of the contract of real estate mortgage and the mortgage property , two controversial issues .

  11. 抵押合同应当允许它的房主可以出租他的财产,并把它返回时,在市场上收回的房地产价值相同。

    Should the mortgage contract permit it , a homeowner could always rent out the property and put it back on the market when real estate values recover .

  12. 根据现代民法物权债权法理论和立法实践,抵押合同的生效与抵押权的生效是两个不同的概念。

    According to the theory and the practice of the legislation of the real right and the obligation , the mortgage contracts being validated is different fiom the mortgages being validated .

  13. 全文共分五个部分第一部分,关于房地产抵押合同的成立、生效及房地产抵押权的取得。

    The dissertation is divided into five chapters , there are : Chapter 1 . Formation , effect of real estate mortgage contract , and acquirement of real estate mortgage rights .

  14. 国有建设用地使用权的转让、出租及抵押合同,不得违背国家法律、法规规定和本合同约定。

    The contracts on transfer , lease and mortgage of the state-owned construction land use right shall not go against the laws and regulations of the country and the articles of this contract .

  15. 承押人可委托深圳市法律顾问处代理签订房产抵押合同,但须出具委托代理书。

    A mortgagee may entrust a legal advisors office in the Shenzhen Municipality to sign a building property mortgage contract on his behalf , provided that a power of attorney must be issued .

  16. 书面形式是抵押合同的成立生效要件,抵押人、抵押权人、以自己的财产设定抵押权的第三人在主债权合同及抵押合同中皆处于不同的利益循环之中。

    A mortgage contract should be concluded in writing . Mortgagor , mortgagee and the third party who set up the right of mortgage on his own property are all in different circulation of interest .

  17. 债权人与债务人就某项商品在一定期间内连续发生交易而签订的合同,可以附最高额抵押合同。

    The contract executed by a creditor and a debtor for the continuous transaction of a specific commodity in a given period of time may be accompanied by a contract of mortgage of maximum amount .

  18. 不动产抵押合同是产生不动产抵押登记请求权的基础,不动产抵押登记完成,抵押权法律关系产生。

    The other is that the charge contract of real estate is the basis of the right for mortgage registration , with the completion of mortgage registration of real estate , the charge contract of real estate is finished .

  19. 但你使用麦洛的账号仍然是严重的违规行为抵押合同不得违背国家法律、法规和土地使用权出让合同的规定。

    A felony security breach for you to be using Milo 's code . The mortgage contract shall not run counter to the laws and regulations of the State or the stipulations of the contract for assigning the right to the use of the land .

  20. 具体到抵押合同来说,它作为一种担保主合同债务履行的从合同,同时也是现代社会的重要融资手段,它的制度设计与我们现在的社会主义市场经济建设是息息相关的。

    As to the mortgage contract , which acts as the guarantee to fulfill the primary contract , it is attached to the primary contract . It is also one important kind of expenses measures . Its system is being closely linked against our building of socialism market economy .

  21. 最早的保险政策是我们所说的抵押借款合同。

    The earliest insurance policies were what we called bottomry contracts .

  22. 委托&代理问题的抵押激励合同设计

    Mortgage Incentive Contract Design for Principal-Agent Problem

  23. 奥巴马政府扶持银行、管理汽车企业、重写抵押贷款合同、追捕白领罪犯。

    Mr Obama is propping up banks , managing car firms , re-writing mortgage contracts and chasing white-collar criminals .

  24. 这是有趣的,已经存在了很长的时间以某种形式的保险。最早的保险政策,也就是我们俗称的抵押借款合同的。

    It 's interesting to note that insurance has existed in some form for a very long time . The earliest insurance policies were what we called bottomry contracts .

  25. 最后,本文提出了收取浮动的违约金率的观点,违约金率可以与市场利率等因素挂钩进行定价,也可以推出固定利率抵押贷款合同以管理提前还贷风险。

    Finally , this paper suggests the floating penalty rate , which can be linked with the market interest rate and other factors . Fixed-rate mortgage loan contract can also be launched to manage prepayment risk .

  26. 近代史上的抵押贷款修改合同不会让人感到振奋。

    The recent history of mortgage modifications isn 't encouraging .

  27. 土地使用权的转让、抵押及出租合同,不得违背国家法律、法规和本合同的规定。

    And a written lease contract should be concluded between the lessor and the leaser if the leasing period of land-use rights exceeds six months .

  28. 并根据第三种模式设计了在建船舶抵押融资借款合同和抵押合同中的特色条款。

    Characteristic clauses are designed , according to the 3rd pattern , in the loan and mortgage contracts on the mortgage financing of ship under construction .

  29. 政治保障论。抵押是保证经济合同履行的一种担保方式。

    Mortgage is one of guarantee forms to assure the performance of economic contract .

  30. 抵押权自抵押合同生效时设立;

    The mortgage right shall be established since the mortgage contract comes into effect ;