
  • 网络mortgage rate
  1. 此外,要严格把握土地抵押率,按比例发放贷款,严防过度授信;

    Plus , commercial banks should also examine the land mortgage rate and grant credit with an appropriate percentage , avoiding over-credit .

  2. 研究结果:(1)微观层面上,银行对贷款抵押率的选择和对未来土地价格变化的预期决定土地抵押融资风险的大小;

    The results show that the selection of loan mortgage rate by the bank and its anticipation to future land price change determine the scale of financial risks from the perspective of micro aspect .

  3. 同时,近几周来住房抵押率却飙升。

    Meanwhile , mortgage rates have surged in recent weeks .

  4. 主管部门限制抵押率即是一例。

    The administration 's desire to cap some mortgage rates is one example .

  5. 抵押率的上升确实削弱了房屋市场的基础。

    The rise in mortgage rates really knocked the bottom out of the housing market .

  6. 通过引入抵押率的概念来作为衡量道德风险的重要指标。

    In additional , the paper still introduces collateral rate as an important index scaling the moral risk .

  7. 但是针对新兴产业抵押率低的特点,私募股权基金则是最好的投资方式。

    However , the characteristics of low for the emerging industry , mortgage , private equity funds is the best investment .

  8. 这并非贷款价值比率的问题,一定程度上,是抵押率的问题,即负债对个人消费支出的比率。

    Part of this is the it 's not loan-to-value ratio this is the ratio of mortgage debt to personal consumption expenditure .

  9. 对美元的大幅转换会相应抬高债券的收益以及抵押率,破坏美国已经崩溃的房屋市场。

    A big shift out of dollars could therefore push up bond yields and hence mortgage rates , damaging America 's already crumbling housing market .

  10. 但即使是抵押率接近50年来的最低点,太多拥有良好信誉的家庭想要买一套房子还是会被拒绝。

    But even with mortgage rates near a 50-year low , too many families with solid credit who want to buy a home are being rejected .

  11. 这可使两房的融资成本立时下降,因此,抵押率也会随之下跌并保证抵押市场的稳定。

    In a stroke , that would lower the twins'funding costs and , hence , mortgage rates , and show commitment to the stability of the mortgage market .

  12. 第三,采取措施以保持低的抵押率,使几百万中产阶级家庭能够得到安全的新抵押的机会。

    There 's a third part of the plan , we will take major steps to keep mortgage rates low for millions of middle-class families looking to secure new mortgages .

  13. 研究结果表明,较大的抵押率使银行抵御道德风险的能力减弱,较小的抵押率使银行抵御道德风险的能力增强。

    The results show that , the collateral rate is larger , the ability of resisting the moral risk is weaker . Contrarily , the collateral rate is smaller , the ability of resisting the moral risk is stronger .

  14. 本文应用期权定价理论,通过抵押品的市场价值变化信息给出了抵押品所具有抵偿贷款信用风险的抵押率及其与贷款利率之间的关系。

    By using options pricing theory , this paper presents the par mortgage - rate of the given compensation for the default loss of loans and the relationship between the credit spread and mortgage - rate through the information of market value variation of collateral .

  15. 由于害怕美联储会减少货币刺激措施,国债的收益率得到了推动,同时抵押贷款率也大幅上涨。

    Fear the Fed will reduce monetary stimulus has pushed bond yields and in turn mortgage rates up sharply .

  16. 抵押贷款率也暴跌至历史最低点,但下降中的贷款成本未能重振美国住房市场。

    Mortgage rates have also plunged to record lows but falling borrowing costs have failed to revive the US housing market .

  17. 由于可调的抵押贷款率,他们的付款仍然会上涨,尽管可能不会达到他们预期的幅度。

    Their payments on an adjustable rate mortgages will still go up , though not as high as they would have .

  18. 按揭银行联合会表示美国的按揭抵押收回率在第三季度达到历史高位,于是该计划适时出台。

    The introduction of the plan came as the Mortgage Bankers Association said US home foreclosures reached a record high in the third quarter .

  19. 当抵押贷款违约率快速上升时,投资者提供资金的意愿急剧下降。

    When the delinquency rate of mortgage increases rapidly , the willing investment decreases .

  20. 在过去一年里,美国抵押贷款违约率增加了不止一倍。

    In the past year , default rates on US mortgages have more than doubled .

  21. 国债收益率持续上升将会抵消掉一部分抵押贷款收益率下降带来的好处。

    A sustained rise in Treasury yields will offset some of the benefit from falling mortgage yields .

  22. 浮动利率的抵押贷款坏账率最高,这种贷款承诺在前几年实行固定低利率。

    Defaults are highest for adjustable-rate mortgages & loans that promised a low , fixed-interest rate for the first few years .

  23. 难怪在房屋负净值和收回房屋所有权水平较高的社区,抵押贷款批准率下降得最快而这恰恰是美联储想要帮助的地区。

    Little wonder that mortgage approvals are falling fastest in communities with high levels of negative equity and repossessions precisely the area that the Fed wants to help .

  24. 在英国等国家,这种脆弱性似乎很可能在未来多年限制经济增长在此期间,抵押贷款违约率很可能会从当前的低点攀升。

    In countries such as the UK , that vulnerability seems likely to restrain economic growth for many years during which the rate of mortgage defaults will probably increase from current low levels .

  25. 一项重要学术研究发现,近年来,抵押贷款违约率之所以上升,原因是银行在筛选转化为债券的贷款方面标准更为松懈。

    The rate of default on mortgage loans has risen in recent years because banks have become more lax about screening loans when they turn these into bonds , a major academic study has found .

  26. 但他认为,新兴市场相对于发达市场的增长优势确实存在,主要源于较为强劲的企业盈利、较为健康的财政状况、信用衍生品投资较少且抵押贷款利用率较低。

    But he maintains the relative strength of emerging market growth to that of developed markets is real and largely based on stronger corporate earnings , healthier fiscal positions , low exposure to credit derivatives and lower mortgage penetration .

  27. 巴克斯特:抵押贷款的利息率是多少?

    B : What 's the interest rate on mortgage loans ?

  28. 买盘剧增令抵押担保证券收益率全线走低。

    A surge of buying sent yields on mortgage-backed securities lower across the board .

  29. 过去一年,美国次级抵押贷款的违约率大幅上升,特别是2006年和2007年发放的抵押贷款。

    In the past year , the pace of defaults on subprime loans has risen sharply in America , particularly on mortgages made in 2006 and 2007 .

  30. 房利美和房地美发行的抵押担保债券收益率更是大幅下挫,这引发了人们对于两家公司支持的房屋贷款利率下降的预期。

    Yields on mortgage bonds and debt issued by Fannie and Freddie fell particularly sharply , raising the promise of lower rates on home loans backed by the companies .