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  • mortgage loan
  1. 我知道公司以应收账款为抵押借贷必须公开登记借贷利率,于是我就去寻找mxfactors作为抵押持有人的文件。

    I knew that companies that lend money against receivables must publicly record their interest , so I looked for files with MX factors as a lienholder .

  2. 戴维•巴克当初准备从酒店管理业跳槽到金融行业时,马上想到了在美国坦帕市一家抵押借贷公司工作的朋友。

    When David Bakke was looking to move from restaurant management into finance , he immediately thought to contact a friend who worked at a mortgage-lending firm in Tampa .

  3. 财富管理公司和私人银行的高管们说,这种操作行为人称“结构性贷款”或“股份抵押借贷”,2012年在小投资者中越来越流行了。

    Known as ' structured lending ' or ' borrowing against holdings , ' the practice grew more popular among smaller investors in 2012 , say executives at wealth-management firms and private banks .

  4. 他们不得不抵押房屋借贷来支付这些款项。

    They had to mortgage their home to pay the bills .

  5. 该项由白宫和抵押贷款借贷方签订的协议规定,将在未来五年内冻结部分可变利率抵押贷款的利率,帮助120万名贷款购房者保住“家园”。

    The agreement between the government and the lending industry would freeze rates for five years on some variable rate mortgages and provide assistance to as many as1.2 million homeowners .

  6. 当退休人员需要更好而非更糟糕的食宿条件时,他们抵押房产借贷或将其出售的能力受到限制。

    There are limits to the extent to which pensioners can borrow against the equity in their homes or trade down at a time when they need better not worse accommodation .

  7. 面对金融市场动荡,此轮今年规模最大的拍卖会将对5年来艺术品市场繁荣的韧性提出关键考验。由于金融市场动荡,投资者更倾向于以其名画作为抵押来借贷。

    The biggest auction sales of the year will be a crucial test of the resilience of the five-year boom in the art market in the face of the turmoil in financial markets , which is seeing investors more inclined to borrow against the value of their paintings .

  8. “辛迪加贷款,银行团贷款”抵押银行的借贷政策

    A syndicate loan Lending Policies of Mortgage Banks

  9. 抵押银行的借贷政策

    Lending Policies of Mortgage Banks

  10. 有抵押票据双边借贷协议,票据代表双方以特定利率分别借出及借入款项。

    Secured note a bilateral lending agreement , the note represents a contractual obligation to lend and borrow money at a specified interest rate .

  11. 福特汽车(FordMotor)正考虑以其汽车制造厂作抵押,向银行借贷。这是这家境况不佳的底特律汽车制造商在遭遇巨额亏损的情况下,充实现金储备的举措之一。

    Ford Motor is considering offering its car plants as security to lenders as part of a drive by the troubled Detroit-based carmaker to bolster cash reserves in the face of massive losses .

  12. 它支撑着全球价值350万亿美元的合约,包括抵押贷款、企业借贷成本和信用卡债务利息。

    It underpins the terms of $ 350tn of contracts worldwide including mortgages , the cost of corporate lending and the interest added to credit card bills .

  13. 这项政府方案包括两个部分,一个是购买房屋抵押之类的团体借贷,一个是购买有价证券或与借贷有关的金融投资。

    The government program has two parts . One involves buying groups of loans , like home mortgages . The second involves buying securities or financial investments tied to loans .