
  • 网络debt assets
  1. 其次,抵债资产处置率低,处置损失率高。

    Second , there is a fact that disposition rate is low and the loss rate is high in the management of debt assets of commercial banks .

  2. 抵债资产是时代的产物、政策的产物、优化银行信贷资产的产物,是在特定条件下所采取的特殊受偿方式,是银行被动的、迫不得已而为之的策略选择。

    The debt assets are products of the time and they rescue the credit property in the banks . It is a way that the bank adopts for its strategy choice on the specific condition .

  3. 基于MDA的抵债资产管理系统

    Debt Asset Management System Based on MDA

  4. 关于加强农村信用社抵债资产管理的探讨

    Discussions on Strengthening Debt - Offsetting Assets Management in Rural Credit Cooperatives

  5. 商业银行抵债资产现状及审计对策

    Current Situations of Bank Repayment Assets and Auditing Countermeasures

  6. 这些抵债资产管理存在的诸多问题增加了新的资产风险。

    A good many problems existing in the administration of the assets used for paying debts add new assets risks .

  7. 浅谈农村信用社抵债资产管理的问题及对策

    On the Problems and Solutions for the Administration of the Assets Used for Paying Debts in the Rural Credit Cooperatives

  8. 当前,抵债资产风险主要表现形式有:评估、灭失、市场、操作、中介机构、道德、瑕疵等风险。

    Now the main risks on mortgaged assets are evaluation , market , loss , operation , intermediary agent , morality , and flaw .

  9. 农村信用社为盘活信贷资金、化解经营风险接收了许多抵债资产。

    The rural credit cooperatives accept a lot of assets used for paying debts in order to animate credit capital and get rid of operational risks .

  10. 抵债资产尽职处置监测管理系统的诞生,某种程度上也标志着山东省农村信用社抵债资产管理水平提高到一个新的层次。

    The birth of the Proposal Asset Management Disposition System marks the management level of Proposal Asset Management Disposition of Rural Credit Cooperatives of Shandong Province reaching a new level to some extent .

  11. 随着银行对社会资金的集散、调剂作用日益加强,贷款规模不断膨胀,银行的抵债资产也越来越多。

    As the role of banks playing in gathering , distributing and adjusting social funds appears more and more important , the loan scale expands quickly and the repayment assets of banks also increase .

  12. 在这种背景下,如何进一步提高抵债资产的管理水平和处置效率,有效的防范和控制抵债资产处置中的风险,显得尤为重要。

    How to further improve the level of management and the efficiency of disposal of foreclosed assets , and how to prevent and control risks effectively in the disposal of foreclosed assets is becoming particularly important under this environment .

  13. 加大抵债资产清收处置力度,努力提高信贷资产质量,不仅是全省农村信用社当前银行化改革、监管评级达标的需要,更是实现长远可持续发展的需要。

    Strengthening foreclosed assets clear collection and disposal efforts and striving to improve the quality of credit assets is not only the requirements of the rural credit cooperatives which is under the banking reform and regulation of rating standards but also the needs to achieve long-term sustainable development .

  14. 论以资抵债过程中的资产评估问题&从价值类型和评估方法角度的分析

    Appraisal in Paying Debts by Assets : Value Type and Valuing Perspective

  15. 企业股份制改造资产评估增值的会计税务处理论以资抵债过程中的资产评估问题&从价值类型和评估方法角度的分析

    The Accounting Taxation Methods of the Estimating Rise in Assets Value in the Course of the Enterprise 's Stock Transforming . Appraisal in Paying Debts by Assets : Value Type and Valuing Perspective

  16. 随着农村信用社改革的逐步深入,不良贷款清收处置力度不断加大,以资抵债作为保全信贷资产的方式之一,成为农村信用社压降不良贷款的主要手段。

    With the gradual deepening of the reform of Rural Credit Cooperatives and the increasing of bad loan disposal efforts , using assets as the debts as a way of preservation of the credit assets is becoming the primary means for rural credit cooperatives to decrease non-performing loans .

  17. 以资抵债是盘活不良贷款的重要手段,但不良贷款所产生的风险同时也可能随之转移到了抵债资产上。

    To settle debts with assets is an important means to make bad assets living , but the risk from non-performing loan will probably shift to mortgaged assets .