
dǐ yā zhènɡ quàn
  • mortgage bond
  1. 目前国外比较成熟而且规范的证券是资产担保证券(ABS)和资产抵押证券(MBS)。

    Currently there two kinds of mature and normative securities in foreign countries : ABS and MBS .

  2. 知道或关心债务抵押证券(cdo)或信用违约互换的人就更少了。

    Even fewer know or care about collateralised debt obligations or credit default swaps .

  3. 这一诉讼围绕着高盛构建和营销的一种合成债务抵押证券(CDO)而展开。

    The case centres on a synthetic collateralised debt obligation that Goldman structured and marketed .

  4. 在美国,Greenwich开始将证券捆绑成被称为债务抵押证券(CDO)的结构性证券。

    In the US , Greenwich started bundling together securities into structures known as collateralised debt obligations .

  5. 诉讼称,高盛在出售那些卖相花哨的抵押证券时,没有披露对冲基金经理约翰保尔森(johnpaulson)正押注于这些证券将崩盘。

    The suit complained it had sold fancy mortgage securities without disclosing that a hedge-fund manager , John Paulson , was betting that those same securities would blow up .

  6. 这是美国在金融危机时期的另一种创新模式,所谓的定期资产抵押证券贷款工具,简称TALF。

    The model is another American innovation from the financial crisis & the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility , or TALF .

  7. 不过在按揭抵押证券方面,它仅位居第二集团。

    But in the mortgage-backed side , it was second division .

  8. 浅析债务抵押证券在金融创新中的作用

    An Analysis of the Role of Collateralized Debt Obligation in Financial Innovation

  9. 不是金融衍生工具,不是抵押证券,甚至也不是工作保障,而是加密的电话线路。

    Not derivatives , mortgage-backed securities or even job security . It 's encrypted phone lines .

  10. 我国将来如推行抵押证券制度,也必然会牵涉到抵押证券这些方面的内容。

    These issues will be faced by China if mortgage-backed securities are implemented in China in the future .

  11. 最后,基于全文和现实状况,对在国内推行个人住房贷款抵押证券化提出可行性建议。

    Finally , the full text and reality based , on the implementation of individual housing loan mortgage securitization feasibility proposals in China .

  12. 当联邦住房金融局以不正当销售抵押证券为由提出诉讼之后,美国和欧洲的股票价格也备受压力。

    Share prices in American and European banks also came under pressure after the Federal Housing Finance Agency filed lawsuits for the alleged mis-selling of mortgage-backed securities .

  13. 从前对于再融资来说,其障碍主要在于那些发放按揭贷款的随后却把贷款转卖给房利美和房地美公司以收进抵押证券的银行。

    A big impediment to refinancing had been the banks who originate the mortgages and then sell them to Fannie and Freddie for inclusion in mortgage-backed securities .

  14. 他还提出,可能会利用该公司在这一领域积累的技能,选择和买入价格被低估的抵押证券。

    He has also raised the prospect of using the skills the firm has built up in the area to select and buy mortgage securities which are underpriced .

  15. 文章采用了理论联系实际的方法,同时结合国际住房抵押证券化的最新动态,在思想上宏观与微观一般与特殊相结合,运用比较分析,逻辑分析的方法。

    Article adopt combination of theory and practice , the comparative analysis , the logic analysis , the macroscopic and microcosmic analysis , the general and special analysis to research the problems .

  16. 这些公司的破产造成价值为65亿美元抵押证券市场的崩溃,对美国住房市场和经济整体造成深远的影响。

    The failure of these companies has caused prices in the $ 6.5 trillion mortgage backed securities market to collapse , threatening broader impacts on the US housing market and economy as a whole .

  17. 奥尼尔黯然下台,因为他让美林成为创立债务担保证券的最大参与者,甚至在其标的抵押证券市场逐渐萎缩时,美林还继续创建债务担保证券。

    Mr O'Neal suffered because he made Merrill the biggest player in creating collateralised debt obligations and the bank continued to put CDOs together even as the market for their underlying mortgage-backed securities was disappearing .

  18. 中央银行已经把其利率降到历史最低接近于零,购买1.7万亿抵押证券和其他债项,以鼓励顾客消费和企业扩张。

    The central bank has already cut its rates to a record low near zero and bought $ 1.7 trillion of mortgage securities and other debt to encourage consumers to spend and businesses to expand .

  19. 美国最大的银行摩根大通银行初步同意支付创纪录的130亿美元罚金,解决其在美国遭遇金融危机前出售不良不动产抵押证券的指控。

    The nation 's largest bank , JP Morgan Chase has tentatively agreed to pay a record 13 billion dollars to settle allegations surrounding the quality of its mortgage back securities in the runup to the nation 's financial crisis .

  20. 现在大概有价值三万亿美元的有抵押证券,在市场上流通,就像你所看到的那样,这些证券已经导致了,市场信心的丧失,而且我个人认为这还完全没有结束。

    There 's maybe about three trillion dollars worth of stuff backed by mortgages out there Well , as you 've seen , these have produced crisis of confidence and I don 't think we 've heard the last of it .

  21. 纵观德日两国抵押证券模式,抵押证券在制度结构上分为两部分:其一为抵押证券的发行;其二为抵押证券的交易。

    Based on the German and Japanese patterns , the mortgage-backed securities may be , from a systematical and structural point of view , classified into two parts : one is the issuance of the mortgage-backed securities and the other is the trading of the same .

  22. 保尔森并非唯一一个发现做空次贷具有赚钱潜力的基金经理,但他可能是回报最高的一个。作空次贷是一种复杂的交易,需要通过衍生品市场,为精选的低评级抵押证券购买保险。

    Mr Paulson was not the only manager to spot the money-making potential of shorting subprime , a complex trade that involves buying insurance through derivative markets on a selection of low-rated tranches of mortgage securities . But he is likely to be the best paid .

  23. 美国司法部(TheDepartmentofJustice)正在对该公司就其在次级抵押贷款证券崩盘前仍给予这些证券最高评级一事展开调查。

    The Department of justice is investigating the company for giving subprime mortgage securities top ratings just before they imploded .

  24. 美联储(fed)可以通过再次扩大抵押贷款证券购买,来支持需求和住房市场。

    The Federal Reserve could support demand and the housing market by again expanding purchases of mortgage-backed securities .

  25. 基于中国住房抵押贷款证券化实践的MBS定价研究

    Study on MBS Pricing Based on China 's MBS Practice

  26. 由于预期美联储(fed)将出台更多宽松政策,中国在去年12月大举减持美国国债,同时买进了收益率较高的抵押贷款证券。

    China was a large seller of US Treasuries in December but sought higher-yielding mortgage securities amid expectations of more policy easing by the Federal Reserve .

  27. 房地产抵押债权证券化研究&以SPV为中心

    Research on Securitization of Real Estate Mortgage Obligations & Center for the SPV

  28. 资产证券化的抵押债务证券融资模式(CDOs)研究

    The Study on the Collateralized Debt Obligations Mode of Asset Securitization

  29. 单一险种业务依赖于保险商(通常拥有较高评级)为市政债券或者抵押支持证券等资产的本息支付提供担保,该过程被称为信用打包(creditwrapping)。

    The business relies on the insurers , usually highly-rated , guaranteeing payouts from assets such as municipal bonds or mortgage-backed securities , in a process known as credit wrapping .

  30. 与房地产信托投资计划、房地产抵押支持证券(MBS)以及房地产股票相比,REITs具有自己的独特优势。

    Compared with real estate trust investment plan , MBS and real estate stocks , REITs have their own unique advantages .