
  • 网络insurance security;titled document
  1. 直到2004年,美国沃顿金融研究中心J.DavidCummins教授一篇名为《SecuritizationofLifeInsuranceAssetsandLiability》的工作论文才正式揭开了人寿保险证券化研究的序幕。

    In 2004 , the work paper which named Securitization of Life Insurance Assets and Liability by Professor J. David Cummins , the Wharton Financial Institution Center , has formally opened the curtain of life insurance securitization .

  2. 新疆实施农业巨灾保险证券化探讨

    The Feasibility of Catastrophic Insurance Securitization in Xinjiang

  3. 如何增加有效的农业投资?新疆实施农业巨灾保险证券化探讨

    How to increase effective agricultural investment ? The Feasibility of Catastrophic Insurance Securitization in Xinjiang

  4. 除了这些方式以外,我们还可以利用保险证券化产品来为巨灾补偿基金筹集资金。

    Aside from these sources , we can issue insurance securitization products to raise capital for catastrophe compensation fund .

  5. 目前,产险业的巨灾风险证券化发展已经比较成熟,寿险业的人寿保险证券化发展则相对迟缓,一直未能受到足够的重视。

    At present , catastrophic risk securitization has been relatively mature , but the life insurance securitization is relatively slow development .

  6. 对于国内学者来说,人寿保险证券化领域鲜有人涉足,相关研究成果更是屈指可数。

    For our domestic scholars , the area of life insurance securitization involved was fresh , relevant research results is a handful .

  7. 近年来保险证券化产品在国际保险市场得到了长足的发展,保险证券化在中国也应该得到相应的发展。

    In these years , insurance securitization has experienced a rapid development in the world , and it should be well developed in China .

  8. 通过自有资本、外来资金、再保险和农业巨灾保险证券化四种手段的研究分析,得出从四个方面建立风险分散管理体系的结论。

    Through its own capital , foreign capital , and agricultural catastrophe reinsurance , insurance , securities research and analysis of four kinds of methods , drawn from the four management systems establish the conclusions of risk diversification .

  9. 保险证券化应用研究、保险可持续发展理论、金融监管理论、商业保险和社会保险相结合问题、保险业发展的政策支持理论等,是未来保险理论可能突破的领域。

    The potential theoretical breakthroughs of the sector will be the applicational study of insurance securitization , sustainability theory , financial regulatory theory , fusion of commercial insurance and social insurance , policy support for insurance development , etc.

  10. 并借用了巨灾风险证券化的设计思路,提出了存款保险证券化这一概念,将证券化应用于金融机构的存款保险制度中,以求较好的解决金融机构危机时的流动性保全问题。

    In the end , I have set forth the concept " deposit insurance securitize " borrowing from " cat bonds securitize " and applied securitize into the deposit insurance in order to solve the liquidity and conservation of the finance crisis .

  11. WTO《金融服务协议》在我国体现为开放金融服务市场的具体承诺,包括对银行、保险、证券市场开放所做的具体承诺。

    When China entered WTO in 2001 , it made specific commitments under Financial Services Agreement , including the specific commitments on opening up the bank , insurance and securities market .

  12. 证券合资企业(SJV)所被允许的业务被限制在证券保险和证券分销上。

    The business permission of a Securities Joint Venture ( SJV ) is limited to underwriting and distributing securities .

  13. 保险风险证券化在中国发展的基础研究

    The Basic Study on Development of Insurance Securitization in China

  14. 因此,找出适合保险公司证券化的资产是关键所在。

    Therefore , finding out the assets is the key .

  15. 我国巨灾保险风险证券化研究

    Research on the Catastrophic Insurance Risk Securitization in China

  16. 我国保险资金证券投资的三大风险

    Three Investment-in-securities Risk of Chinese Insurance Capital

  17. 第五部分提出了我国今后发展保险风险证券化的战略思路和基本步骤。

    Chapter five concludes the strategic steps of the development of insurance securitisation in China .

  18. 保险风险证券化&巨灾债券

    Insurance risk securitization & catastrophe bond

  19. 保险风险证券化研究

    Research on Securitization of Insurance Risk

  20. 社区服务、保险、证券、中介等行业健康发展。

    The industries like community service , insurance , bonds and intermediate service are developing healthily .

  21. 浅谈国外保险风险证券化

    On Foreign Securitization of Insurance Risks

  22. 再谈保险风险证券化

    On Securities of Insurance Risk

  23. 保险风险证券化是国际资本市场在20世纪90年代兴起的一种金融创新,它能有效地把保险公司的风险分散到资本市场的投资者中。

    Since the 1990s the securitization of insurance risk has become an important derivation instrument in capital market .

  24. 金融业混业经营涉及银行、保险、证券、信托、债市、期货等范围。

    The mixed operation of the financial industry involves banking , insurance , securities , trust , futures , etc.

  25. 保险投资证券化很好的诠释了保险公司承保和投资业务之间的关系,是保险市场与资本市场互动的直接体现。

    Insurance investment securities are of great interpretation of the linkage between the insurance market and capital market interaction .

  26. 同实业和银行业相比,保险业证券化技术的运用相对较迟。

    Comparing with the manufactory and banking system , the securitization technology in insurance industry is still lagging behind .

  27. 目前已在银行、电信、零售、保险、证券等领域有广泛应用。

    It has been widely used in bank , telecommunication , retail sale , and insurance and so on .

  28. 因此,保险、证券和资产管理公司现在拥有了一些新的商业机会,而这些业务以前只有银行能做。

    So insurers , securities and asset-management firms now have business opportunities , which were only available to lenders before .

  29. 胡胜正指出,金管会成立之后,委员们在银行、保险和证券各方面的责任分工很明确。

    After the FSC was established , the responsibilities for banking , insurance and securities were clearly split among commissioners .

  30. 作为资本市场中的重要衍生产品,保险风险证券化是再保险的有效替代机制。

    As an important derivative instrument in capital market , the securitization of insurance risk is an effective substitute to reinsurance .