
bǎo xiǎn sī
  • fuse;fuse wire;safety wire;plain cut-out
保险丝 [bǎo xiǎn sī]
  • [fuse] 一种熔点很低的金属丝、条或带,当通过的电流超过指定安培时熔化并断开电路,以保证安全

保险丝[bǎo xiǎn sī]
  1. 换保险丝是我不愿干的麻烦事之一。

    Changing a fuse is one of those fiddly jobs I hate .

  2. 检查一下保险丝是否烧断了。

    Check whether a fuse has blown .

  3. 这个插头有没有安装保险丝?

    Is this plug fused ?

  4. 墙上插座的电线短路烧断了保险丝,电灯跟着灭了。

    The wire snapped at the wall plug and the light fused

  5. 他按下按钮启动马达的时候保险丝烧断了。

    The fuse blew as he pressed the button to start the motor

  6. 功率不超过720瓦的设备用3安培的保险丝。

    Use a 3 amp fuse for equipment up to 720 watts .

  7. 他刚一按下按钮,保险丝就烧断了。

    The fuse blew as he pressed the button .

  8. 开始电工作业之前取下电路保险丝。

    Remove the circuit fuse before beginning electrical work .

  9. 墙上插头处的电线啪地发出一道蓝光,电灯的保险丝烧断了。

    The wire snapped at the wall plug with a blue flash and the light fused

  10. 雨水引发保险丝烧熔,使得灯泡都不亮了。

    Rainwater had fused the bulbs .

  11. 我花80英镑让人把我车上的收音机修了修,可我敢肯定,他们只是换了根保险丝。

    I paid £ 80 to have my car radio fixed and I bet all they did was change a fuse

  12. 保险丝因线路超负荷而烧断。

    The electrical fuse blew due to an overload .

  13. 保险丝烧断了。

    The fuse blew out .

  14. 这是电冰箱上使用的保险丝。

    This is the right fuse for the refrigerator .

  15. 一位职业摄影师把保险丝烧断了使整所房子陷于黑暗当中

    A professional photographer had fused the lights , engulfing the entire house in darkness .

  16. 基于CVI的PTC自恢复保险丝自动测试系统的研究

    Auto-Testing System for PTC Recoverable Fuse Based on CVI

  17. PDC(电力分配中心)内含有室内灯保险丝(10安培)(IOD)。

    Interior lamps fuse ( 10 Amp ) ( IOD ) PDC .

  18. CRT显示器中看似简单的保险丝却出现很高的故障率。

    It seems that a simple fuse in a CRT display had been having high failure rates .

  19. 为了保证PTC自恢复保险丝的品质,在开发与制造中必须对其进行全面、严格的测试。

    After PTC fuses are manufactured , a lot of high-demanding tests must be carried out to ensure their quality .

  20. 由于采用CMOS电路、恒流电路、串联LED、自恢复保险丝等技术,使得该闪光报警器具有功耗低、可靠性高、体积小等优点。

    Because CMOS circuit , steady current circuit , series-wound LED and self-recover fuse are adopted , the flash alarm has many good qualities such as low power consumption , high reliability and small volume .

  21. 检查保险丝f18,修理线路,必要时消除引起损坏的原因。

    Check fuse f18 , repair line , eliminate cause of damage if necessary .

  22. 带连接环的熔丝,用于超过1000V电压保险丝

    Fuse wire with loops for connection for use with fuses of a voltage exceeding 1000v

  23. 我公司所有的保险丝产品均可提供无铅环保及符合ROHS要求的认证资料,详情请联系我们!

    All of our fuses accessories meet the ROHS directive and lead free now further information , please contact us !

  24. 例如∶TNT、炸药或鱼雷,遇险信号、保险丝发火器,信号弹、导火线、某些类型烟花等。

    TNT , Dynamite or Torpedoes , Distress signals , Fuse igniters , Ammunition for hand weapons , for signals , Safety Fuses , certain types of Fireworks , etc.

  25. 研究了聚合物基正温度系数(PTC)材料的电性能测试方法,设计并组装了一套自恢复保险丝动作时间测试系统,使得动作时间的测量精度大大提高。

    The measuring method for electrical property of polymer PTC material was studied . Advice to test the response time of fuse was designed , then the test precision of the response time was greatly improved .

  26. 拆下保险丝托架处燃油泵的保险丝。

    Remove fuse for the fuel pump at the fuse carrier .

  27. 你的保险丝烧断了,因为你让线路超过了负荷。

    Your fuse has blown because you have overloaded the circuit .

  28. 为拖车挂接装置电气系统安装保险丝保险丝托架。

    Fit fuses for the trailer hitch electrical system fuse carrier .

  29. 大多数的万用表都有一个保险丝来帮助保护,防止出现意外。

    Most multimeters have a fuse to help protect against misuse .

  30. 一个保险丝烧断了,致使灯灭。

    A fuse has blown , causing the lights to fail .