
  • 网络protective provisions;Covenants;Protective Covenant
  1. 虽然在国内借贷中,消极担保的作用并不凸显,但必须认识到在国际借贷中消极担保作为一项必不可少的保护性条款得到广泛应用,并成为国际借贷合同的四大共同条款之一。

    However , as an important protective measure , negative pledge is widely used in international loans .

  2. 该法院裁定,这个法规草案中的保护性条款不足以确保警方不过线。

    It decided that the safeguards , as drafted , were not enough to ensure police did not overstep the mark .

  3. 拥有6.5亿农业人口的印度,需要一些灵活性,但保护性条款必须允许在一定幅度上增加食品进口。

    India , with 650m rural people , will need flexibility but the protective terms must permit some increase in food imports .

  4. 尽管花旗和美林股价不断下跌,但上述交易都包含大量针对下跌的保护性条款,以及针对复杂证券的优惠条件,以确保稳健回报。

    Both deals have a lot of downside protection and coupons on the complicated securities that guarantee a healthy return , despite the sagging stock prices of both Citibank and Merrill Lynch .

  5. 我国现行税制中已有诸多生态环境保护性条款,但绿色税收体系远未完善:现行税制大部分税种的税目、税基和税率选择都没有从环境保护或可持续发展的角度考虑;

    There are many ecological items in the present tax system , but it still has a lot of problems : the designing of most of the taxes does not take environmental protection and sustainable development into consideration ;

  6. 为保护债权人的合法利益,国际银团贷款协议均规定保护性条款,交叉违约条款就是其中最重要内容之一。

    In order to protect the creditors ' legal interest , protection clauses are all stipulated in the agreements of international syndicated loan . The cross-default clause is the most important one of them .