
  1. 人身保险合同生效之有关问题探析&由一寿险理赔案说起索赔的有效期多长?

    Analyze on Relative Questions about the Life Insurance Contract s Validity & Mention a Life Insurance Case ;

  2. 人身保险合同的生效是指人身保险合同对当事人双方产生法律约束力。

    Personal insurance contract validation means that the personal insurance contract has a legal binding on both parties .

  3. 保险合同成立、生效辨析

    Analysis on Establishment and Effectiveness of the Insurance Contract

  4. 保险合同成立与生效的关系一般有三种:第一,成立时即生效。

    Their relationship normally has three kinds : First , the contract takes effect as soon as it is formed .

  5. 第二章影响保险合同成立及生效的有关问题。根据合同法的一般原理,保险合同成立于双方达成合意之时,保险合同应为非要式和不要物合同。

    According to the general principles of contract law , the insurance contract is formed when the two sides have reached an agreement , so the insurance contract should be informal and without performance .

  6. 全文分四个部分,各章主要内容如下:第一章保险合同的成立与生效。

    This thesis is divided into four chapters as follows : The first chapter is the formation and taking effect of insurance contract .

  7. 第四部分针对我国人身保险合同的成立与生效的立法现状及存在的问题,提出了立法完善的对策。

    The part four puts forward proposals to the perfection of legislation , aimed at the current legislative situation and existing problems of the formation and validation of the personal insurance contract .

  8. 在保险法领域,保险合同的成立与生效也是两个不同的范畴,归属于不同的制度。

    In the field of insurance law , the formation and the taking effect of insurance contract are also two different areas , belonging to different systems .

  9. 最大诚信原则是保险合同的基本原则之一,是保险合同生效的必要条件。

    The principle of utmost good faith is one of insurance contracts and essential condition to make it effective as well .

  10. 赔偿请求应在保险期限内提出,引致赔偿请求的不当行为可以是在保险合同生效前发生。

    Claim ( s ) must be reported and made during the effective policy period . However , that misconduct which is purported to be the cause of the claims could be occurred prior to the policy inception .

  11. 就保险合同而言,当事人之间的合同效力主要有以下几种类型:保险合同成立后立即生效;

    In the case of insurance contracts , for parties involved , effectiveness of them falls into the following types : the insurance contact becomes effective immediately after it comes into existence ;

  12. 我国《保险法》对重复保险的概念仍应采用广义说,但必须明确体现保险合同的生效期间重合这个要件。

    The definition of our country about double insurance should adopt the broadly defined concept , but it is must reflect the condition about duration of coincide of the contract of insurance being in effect clearly .

  13. 被保险人在订立保险合同时虽然不具有现实保险利益但是具有将来获得保险利益的真实可能性,并在保险事故发生并致货物受损时具有现实保险利益,保险合同即生效。

    Insurant is in conclude when insurance contract although not realistic insurable interest in the future but have access to insurance benefits , and the real possibility in insurance accident happens and cause damage when realistic insurance interest , insurance contract is effective .