
  • 网络Recommendation representative;sponsor representative
  1. 发行人应当在收到通知后及时披露保荐代表人变更事宜。

    Issuers shall disclose about the change of recommending representatives in time upon the receipt of a circular .

  2. 声明应由项目主办人、保荐代表人、法定代表人签名,并由公司加盖公章。

    The statement shall be signed by project organizer , recommendation representative and legal representative , and shall be affixed with the official seal of the company .

  3. 第一部分首先以英国和中国香港为例简单介绍了保荐人制度的历史以及该制度在我国的发展,并对保荐人及保荐代表人的选任资格等问题进行了分析。

    The first part takes the United Kingdom and Hong Kong for example to introduce the history of the sponsor system and the development in our country . Then it analyzes the qualifications of sponsors and sponsor deputies .

  4. 中国证券业协会对保荐机构、保荐代表人进行自律管理。

    The China Securities Association shall adopt self-disciplinary management to the recommendation institutions and the recommendation representatives .

  5. 保荐机构及其保荐代表人要为所保荐的上市公司披露虚假性、误导性、遗漏性信息而给投资者造成的损失承担赔偿责任。

    The sponsor and sponsor deputy should take responsibilities for the third parts loss caused by the listed companys false , misleading or missed information .

  6. 同时要厘清保荐机构和保荐代表人与上市公司以及其他中介机构之间责任的边界,以保证保荐人制度真正发挥作用。

    At the same time , we should distinguish the boundary of the responsibility among the sponsor , the representative of the sponsor , the listed company and the else facilitating agency , and assure the sponsor system effective .

  7. 保荐机构应当指定三名保荐代表人具体负责保荐事宜。

    The sponsor shall designate three sponsor representatives to be specifically in charge of sponsorship matters .