
  • 网络saving clause;reserve clause;grandfather clause
  1. 在1969年赛季结束的时候,弗兰德拒绝让红雀对他进行“交易”,他向MLB的保留条款发起挑战(保留条款规定球队终生拥有球员直至将其释放或交易)。

    Refusing to let the Cardinals trade him at the end of the 1969 season , Flood challenged the MLB about the reserve clause , which stipulated that a team owns a player for life until their release or trade .

  2. 当然,由球员合同中的保留条款禁止自由转会,奥尔巴赫执教时期的球队花名册非常稳定。

    Also , because the reserve clause in players'contracts prohibited free agency , rosters were much more stable in Auerbach 's halycon days .

  3. 对民法典中公共秩序保留条款的立法思考

    Some Ideas about the Provisions of Public Order in the Chinese Civil Code

  4. 本合同中有一条保留条款。

    A clause is saved in the contract .

  5. 由于所有权保留条款在法律上的复杂性,该条款的应用仍然存在一些问题。

    Due to the complexity of reservation of title , there are still some problems in practice .

  6. 浅论企业人事劳资管理&如何留住企业的核心员工工会会员资格保留条款

    On personnel , labor and capital management in enterprise & how to reserve their kernel employee ; maintenance of membership

  7. 在老人养老金条例中有个保留条款,规定有钱人不能领养老金。

    There was a saving clause in the Old Age Pensions Act providing that rich people should not get the pension .

  8. 例如,如果中国要发展自己的飞机产业,发动机的保留条款和抵押就需要得到保护。

    For example , if China develops a domestic aircraft industry , retention clauses and chattel pledges for engines will need protection .

  9. 第二部分简单介绍了所有权保留条款的主要类型,着重探讨了所有权保留的法律性质、所有权保留的构成以及发挥作用的法理机制。

    Chapter II studies the main types of proprietary rights retention provision , especially inquires into its legal nature , constitution and its legal mechanism .

  10. 他添加了一保留条款,意思是:如果兑换率跌幅超过5%,那么要对付款方式作调整。

    He added a let - out clause to the effect that the payment will be revised if the exchange rate falls by more than 5 % .

  11. 手机厂商诺基亚称,面对苹果就两公司之间的纠纷而最新出台的保留条款,诺基亚将“积极维护自己的权益”。

    Phone maker Nokia has said it will " defend itself vigorously " after Apple launched the latest salvo in an ongoing legal wrangle between the two firms .

  12. 承包商保证,实施及使用承包商提供的工作中的材料过程中不存在物权保留条款。

    The contractor warrants that there are no retention of Title clauses in force and applying to any materials provided by the contractor for incorporation into the work .

  13. 香港贸发局保留修改条款,取消及终止上列买家专享优惠之权利,而毋须预先另行通知。

    HKTDC reserves the rights to vary the terms and conditions , change or terminate the incentive programmes above without any prior notice .

  14. 俱乐部保留修改各项条款并做出解释及最后裁决之权利。

    The Club reserves the right of changing and adjustment above provisions .

  15. 卓纪保健有张公司有权保留对上述条款的最终解释权。

    Premier MediCare Services Limited reserves the right to the interpretation of the above terms and conditions .

  16. 信和集团及卡公司保留修改所有条款及细则的权利。

    Sino group and card centre reserve the right to adjust terms and conditions from time to time .

  17. 不可转让的海运单中声明承运人保留转运权利条款将被不予理会。

    D.Clauses in a non-negotiable sea waybill stating that the carrier reserves the right to tranship will be disregarded .

  18. 随时保留修改本条款的权利,非重要性修改恕不另行通知用户。

    Reserving the right to revise this clause at any time , it is not the importance modification that forgives me for not noticing users separately .

  19. 而老板们,比如高盛全球董事长劳埃德.布兰克费恩对这条规定提出了异议,指责这样会损害美国公司的利益,但政府似乎有意要保留这项条款。

    Bosses such as Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs have railed against the provision , saying it will harm American firms , but it is likely to stay .

  20. STYLESIGHT保留修订本协议条款内容的权利(包括与您使用网站内容相关的条款)。

    STYLESIGHT reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of this Agreement ( including those relating to your use of the Content ) .

  21. 那是一条卖方保留货物所有权的条款。

    This is a clause reserving title to the goods in the seller .

  22. 对于提单中包含的声明承运人保留转运权利的条款,银行将不予置理。

    Clauses in a bill of lading stating that the carrier reserves the right to tranship will be disregarded .

  23. 根据市场情况,国泰保留终止此优惠条款的权利。

    Cathay Pacific Airways reserves the right to terminate this special route deal offer subject to review on general market condition .

  24. 代表私人和个人的权利以及媒体自由,以其全部的能量来保留其它相关有益条款;

    to preserve in their full energy the other salutary provisions in behalf of private and personal rights , and of the freedom of the press ;

  25. 在经济全球化的当代社会,简单的所有权保留已不能满足发展要求,要求所有权保留向广阔和纵深发展,便产生了所有权保留的延伸条款。

    In an economic globalized society , simple title retention has already failed to satisfy the requirement of development . Title retention has been requested to develop broadly and deeply .