
  1. 本文主要探讨与沉默欺诈有关的问题。

    The purpose of this thesis is to discuss relevant issues concerning silent fraud .

  2. 关于沉默欺诈,尽管违背诚信原则没有明确列在其构成要件中,但在其告知义务要件里,已将其纳入其中。

    According to the actual situation , as silent fraud , although violation of the principle of good faith is not its elements , but which included in the elements of obligation .

  3. 所谓沉默欺诈,是指相对于积极行为的欺诈而言,乃是以不作为即沉默的方式构成的欺诈,学界对此探讨甚少。

    Contrary to positive fraud , silent fraud is a kind of fraud caused by non-disclosure i.e. omission of act , which means silence constitutes fraud and this scope has been little explored .

  4. 一是通过对学者观点的比较,对沉默欺诈的构成要件予以列举和分析;二是着重考察了相对人的专业能力对沉默欺诈认定的影响。

    Part one is the enumeration and illustration of component elements of silent fraud through the comparative analysis of opinions of scholars . Part two emphasizes the influences of the professional ability of the other party to the determination of silent fraud .