
  • 网络Immerse Experiences;flow;Flow experience
  1. 沉浸体验与网络环境下的英语学习

    English Learning Under Flow Experience and Web Environment

  2. 网络游戏成瘾与行为重复、沉浸体验、玩家的孤独感线性相关。

    Online game addictions had linear correlation with activity repetition , flow experience and loneliness .

  3. 沉浸体验会导致最佳学习效果。

    It will bring about great stimulation and satisfaction .

  4. 接受心理:由沉静感悟转向沉浸体验。网络传播对人的审美心理结构的影响究竟有多大?

    How much influence does the Internet transmission on the structure of people 's aesthetic psychology ?

  5. 外语学习中的沉浸体验需要学生有明确的学习目标、强烈的学习动机和独立性以及及时持续的反馈,同时要排除外界干扰。

    Flow requires definite objective , inner motive , synchronous feedback and independence of a student .

  6. 第二,将沉浸体验理论引入人力资源管理的理论研究。

    Second , the theory of flow experience is introduced into the theoretical study of human resource management .

  7. 如何使教育游戏吸引学习者并能使学习者在教育游戏中产生沉浸体验是本文研究的重点。

    This study focuses on how to make educational games to attract learners and brings learners the flow experience .

  8. 结论:网络游戏成瘾的形成因素包括行为重复、沉浸体验、玩家的孤独感。

    Conclusion : Factors of leading to online game addiction include activity repetition , flow experience and loneliness of players .

  9. 同样获得沉浸体验和长时间玩游戏的条件下,相对孤独或抑郁的玩家比非孤独或非抑郁的玩家更容易成瘾;

    Relative lonely or depressive players were easier to become addicts than non-lonely or non-depressive players on the similar of condition flow experience and repetition .

  10. 首先,对组织变革、工作压力以及沉浸体验从概念界定、研究内容和结构、理论发展等方面分别进行回顾。

    Firstly , it reviews the organizational change and job Stress . Secondly , the concept , research areas , and theory development of flow Experience are defined .

  11. 方法:采用玩家基本情况问卷、改编的网络游戏成瘾量表、沉浸体验量表、孤独量表、抑郁量表,对270名高校学生的数据进行了分析。

    Methods : Questionnaires composed of demographic information , online game addiction instrument , flow experience instrument , loneliness instrument and depression instrument were used to assess 270 university and college students .

  12. 在国内,对沉浸体验理论的研究尚处于回顾和描述阶段,成果积累较匮乏,有很大的发展空间。

    Because the theory of flow Experience is just beginning in China , domestic research is still in the stage of review and description . As a result , research accumulation is scarce , which has too much space for development .

  13. 该结论为电子商务运营商提供了新的管理视角,强调将人性化及社会化的服务作为吸引和保持消费者的重要营销手段,刺激并强化消费者的沉浸体验和购买意愿。

    This conclusion will provide a new management perspective for electronic business operators and emphasize that humanized and socialized service can be important marketing methods to attract and retain the consumers . Finally , it will stimulate and strengthen online consumers ' flow experience and purchase intention .

  14. 喜利得公司(HiltiCorporation)的文化管理团队认为,虽然新员工指导非常重要,但确保员工在入职一年后仍有沉浸式体验同样很重要。

    At Hilti Corporation , the Culture Management Team believes that while orientation of new employees is important , it is equally important to ensure that all employees experience company immersion beyond the first year .

  15. 光照技术是实现虚拟展馆系统的关键技术之一,由它生成的真实感光照效果是用户沉浸感体验的重要来源。

    Illumination technologies are one of the key technologies in virtual exhibition system . The realistic lighting effects created by them are important sources of users ' immersive experience .

  16. 表情识别技术是人机交互技术的重要分支,其实用化将从根本上改观人机交互现状,极大的增加人机交互过程中人的沉浸性体验。

    Facial expression recognition technology is an important branch of human-computer interaction technology ; applications of Facial expression recognition will fundamentally change the status of human-computer interaction , increase human feel of immersion tremendously in human-computer interaction .

  17. 潘通表示,今年选择的年度颜色象征着“人们内心对乐观主义和快乐追求的渴望”以及“能够建立联系和亲密感的真实的沉浸式体验”,然而,后者日益被数字技术和社交媒体所支配,这也反映了人文景观的辛酸。

    Pantone notes that this year 's selection symbolizes an " innate need for optimism and joyful pursuits " and " authentic and immersive experiences that enable connection and intimacy " - the latter carrying poignancy in a cultural landscape that is increasingly dominated by digital technology and social media .

  18. 一位三星发言人表示,三星最新推出的Quad-HDSuperAMOLED屏幕具有“沉浸式观赏体验、很高的对比度,而且有比竞争对手更广的色域”。

    A Samsung spokesperson pointed to the company 's latest displays , dubbed Quad-HD Super AMOLED , as having " an immersive viewing experience with a high contrast ratio and a wider color range " than the competition .

  19. 令人完全沉浸于听觉体验也就更不足为奇了。

    No wonder you get so utterly immersed in thelistening experience .

  20. 另一个解释是,平板电脑带来沉浸式的体验鼓励了更多的冲动消费。

    another is that the immersive experiencetablets create encourages more impulse buying .

  21. 游戏和凉亭应用程序可以使用重度的应用程序主题来达到一个沉浸式的体验效果。

    Games and kiosk applications may use heavy application theming to achieve an immersive experience .

  22. 奥姆斯泰德公园路的重要功能在于让游客预感正在接近公园,从而沉浸于期待体验的情绪中。

    One important function of his parkways was to prepare visitors approaching a great park-to put them in the mood for the experience toe .

  23. 这是语言上的一种方式,他们试图用语言来模仿,他们沉浸其中的体验。

    So , that 's one small way in the language that they practiced tried to imitate the experience that they were immersing themselves in .

  24. 观看一部流媒体剧集更像是读一本书,你可以一气呵成地看完,也可以自行决定观看计划,但它也有点像打游戏。一口气看完剧集是一种沉浸式的体验,是用户定制的。

    Watching a streaming series is even more like reading a book - you receive it as a seamless whole , you set your own schedule - but it 's also like video gaming . Binge-watching is immersive . It 's user-directed .

  25. 更亮的新款超视网膜XDR显示屏,带来更具沉浸式的观看体验,支持杜比视界、HDR10和HLG。

    This new brighter Super Retina XDR display delivers an immersive viewing experience with support for Dolby Vision , HDR10 , and HLG .

  26. 或许它需要沉浸式的出神体验,就像迷幻剂的探索。

    Maybe it required an immersive trance , like a psychedelic vision quest .

  27. 记得激光放映吗?还有这些嬉皮士时代感官沉浸其中的特色体验?

    Remember laser light shows ? Those sensory immersion experiences ( with or without controlled substances ) that were a hallmark of the hippie era ?

  28. 批评者说,更多的像素和更大的屏幕――有些屏幕是弯曲的,形成一种沉浸式的观看体验――确实提高了看电视的标准。

    More pixels and big screens some of which are curved , for an immersive viewing experience do raise the bar in TV watching , critics say .

  29. 从审美接受来看,一方面读屏方式可以让人获得一种沉浸性的心理体验,另一方面网络也打造了人机、人人互动的接受模式。

    Considering the aesthetics acceptance , the screen reading can give people an immersed psychological experience , and the Internet can achieve the receiving mode of person-computer or interpersonal interaction .

  30. 我只是感到有一个部分写得不好,沉甸甸的,象浸泡在水里一样。记得激光放映吗?还有这些嬉皮士时代感官沉浸其中的特色体验?

    I feel a part that 's wrong , like a soggy weight ; Remember laser light shows ? Those sensory immersion experiences ( with or without controlled substances ) that were a hallmark of the hippie era ?