
  • 网络Field Theory
  1. 社会过激事件的场域理论研究

    On the Turbulent Social Events from the Perspective of the Field Theory

  2. 比较语境中的场域理论:媒介研究的新范式

    Field Theory in Comparative Context : A New Paradigm For Media Studies

  3. 本文的研究拓宽了组织场域理论的应用范围。

    The research expands the applications of the theory of organizational field .

  4. 场域理论最终指向反思社会学与实践理论。

    The field theory finally points to the sociology of reflexive and practice theory .

  5. 场域理论视角下的中国电视知识分子

    Chinese TV Intellectuals in Field Theory Perspective

  6. 电视新闻实践变迁研究的场域理论框架探析

    A Probe into the Field Theory Framework for Studies on the Change of TV News

  7. 从场域理论看沈从文创作理念的流变

    The Rheological of Shen Ts'ung-wen 's Concepts of Creation on the " Field " Theory

  8. 基层司法的多元面向&以布迪厄场域理论为分析视角当代中国多元文化视域下人的价值取向问题研究

    Multi-orientation of Judicature in Grass-roots Units ; Studies of the Human Value Orientation under the Domain of Multi-cultural in Contemporary China

  9. 网络理论以其对结构的静态研究著称,而场域理论往往是从文化角度动态分析某种关系。

    Network theory is good at study the structure statically , and field theory researches a relationship dynamically from a cultural view .

  10. 本文借用布迪厄的场域理论,将企业博士后工作站分别定位于科学场域和经济场域中,并分别讨论了其在科学场域和经济场域中应该发挥的功能。

    This paper in virtue of the Bourdieu'filed theory , respectively discussed the functions of the enterprise postdoctoral working station in economical filed and scientific filed .

  11. 在回顾了场域理论的发展历史后,本文重点对布尔迪厄的媒介场范式进行了介绍和批判,并且对其在中国的应用提出了一些建议与方向。

    After reviewing the history of field theory , this article mainly introduces and criticizes Bourdieu 's media field paradigm , and discusses its application in China .

  12. 理解理论揭示了理解的本质以及理解何以可能的问题,内隐学习理论揭示了内部学习的心理机制,而场域理论则揭示了环境对人的作用。

    The theory of understanding reveals the nature of understanding and how it happens . The theory of implicit learning reveals the psychological organism of internal learning ;

  13. 在“清点”前人观点的基础上,布尔迪厄凭借场域理论分析了科学知识的生产过程,指出科学是一种让某种发现面世的构建。

    After reviewing predecessors viewpoints , Bourdieu analyzed the process of scientific knowledge construction based on Field theory and found that science was constructed for showing the discovery .

  14. 布迪厄的场域理论是对我国马克思主义法学理论的必要补充。

    Bourdiu s field theory is an essential supplement to Chinas Marxist jurisprudence , and it can be used to study the judges trial behavior of our country at present .

  15. 依据场域理论的分析框架,文章从共享价值观的塑造、利益互惠基础的建立、规则体系的建设等方面,对合作困境的出路进行了探讨。

    In the view of field-habitus theory , the paper discusses the way of the countermeasure of predicament , from the respects of common value conscious , shared benefit base , rule system .

  16. 柏林特借用梅洛-庞蒂的电场的概念来发展自己的审美场域理论,电场暗示能量流出,但是又以一种补偿的方式回来,这是一个动态循环的过程。

    Berleant develops the aesthetic field theory by using the concept of electric field , which is a dynamic loop - means the energy flows out , yet returns in way of compensation .

  17. 权力场域理论是布迪厄社会学理论中最基本的内容,在他的建构的结构主义社会学中起着昭显的形式意义和实质的建造作用。

    The theory of the fields of power , a basic part of his sociology theory , plays an important role of meaning formalizing and essentially builds his sociology of the constructive structuralism .

  18. 基于场域理论和对话理论,笔者通过历史研究法、文献分析法、案例实证法等针对教学实际中的教师话语权丧失问题进行了初步的研究。

    Field theory and the theory of dialogue , through historical research , literature analysis , case studies and other methods for teaching practice in theteachers ' right to speak the loss of the preliminary study .

  19. 同时论文以场域理论作为研究基础,对错位的原因进行了探析,同时通过对错位反映的问题进行分析,以期为政府和主流媒体从业者提供理论参考。

    At the same time , based on the field theory , the research will explore the presentation and the nature of this dislocation , in order to provide a theoretical reference for the government and mainstream media practitioners .

  20. 在第二章到第四章将场域理论用于对中国十七年文学的研究中,以场域的关系主义视角来看十七年文学的发展状况。

    In the second chapter to the fourth chapter ofthe " field " theory was applied to the Chinese literature in the seventeen years of study , to the " field " relationship perspective of seventeen years literature development status .

  21. 主要研究结论是:(一)从投入机制的角度,根据人类学的文化场域理论和教育资源配置相关知识,分析侗族村寨小学教育资源配置失衡的原因及其内隐的文化冲突。

    The main results are : 1.From the perspective of educational input mechanism , the study chooses the field theory of cultural anthropology and the related knowledge of educational resources , analyzing the imbalance reasons on the allocation of educational resources and the implied cultural conflict .

  22. 创造性的提出:基督教会是社会资本纵向流动的场域的理论假设。

    Creative made : Christianity is the vertical flow of social capital , " Field " theory hypothesis .

  23. 以大学生为例来研究自主学习能力的影响因素成为了一个很重要的课题,在布迪厄的场域-惯习理论指导下对大学生的自主学习能力进行社会学的实证研究,具有很重要的意义。

    It becomes a very important issue by the case study of college students on the impact of factors of autonomic learning ability .

  24. 汽车轮胎温度场高温点域的理论分析与建构

    Theory analysis and foundation of the high temperature dot region of tire temperature field

  25. 转型期公共场域诚信缺失的理论思考&基于转型的一种视角现在,全球化已几乎成了世界各国、国际舆论界和学术界最常用的词汇。

    Nowadays , the word " globalization " has been using in all countries and many fields , such as international public fields and international academia .

  26. 由此,我们从国家与社会有关视野研究当代中国时,应该将市民社会作为一个价值概念,拓宽研究在特定的时空场域中,突破理论限制达到实践创新,重视实践对理论的反哺功能。

    Therefore , in Chinese study we must take civil society as the concept of value , enlarge viewpoints and methods of research , break through the barriers of theory and concentrate the feedback from the practice .