
chǎnɡ dú lì xìnɡ
  • field independence
  1. ADHD儿童与正常儿童相比,知觉方式的场独立性较弱,心理机能分化程度较低。

    Moreover , the ADHD boys ' field independence is lower significantly than the normal boys , showing that ADHD children 's level of psychological function differentiation are significantly lower than normal children .

  2. 论文在第三部分是本项研究的理论基础,主要介绍了Curry的洋葱头理论、感知学习风格、歧义容忍度和场独立性等学习风格理论。

    Based upon the Curry 's three-layered " Onion Model ," three theories are proposed for an extensive and deep understanding of learning styles : theories of perceptual learning styles , tolerance of ambiguity and field independence .

  3. 认知特征、场独立性与飞行空间定向关系的研究

    The relationship between cognitive profile , field - independence and spatial orientation in flight

  4. 具有较强场独立性特征的飞行员往往也具有较为典型的空间认知特征;

    The pilots with high field & independence tended to have a typical spatial cognitive Profile ;

  5. 一般说来,场独立性学生的学习成绩均高于场中间性、场依存性学生。

    Generally speaking , the students with field-independence style learn better than the ones of field-intermediate and field-dependence .

  6. 表现为场独立性的学生的阅读测试成绩要比场依赖性学生好。

    The field independent Chinese EFL test-takers generally perform better than field-dependent ones on English reading comprehension test .

  7. 相反,场独立性的学生不太能被别人的表扬所激励。

    By contrast , students who are field independent are not likely to be motivated by other 's praise .

  8. 而随着个体的认知方式趋向场独立性的程度逐渐增强,写作前计划时间的变化趋势则是逐渐增多。

    However , with the increase of the tendency to field independence , one 's pre writing planning time also increases .

  9. 研究结果进一步证明了视觉空间认知加工和场独立性水平与飞行空间定向之间的紧密关系。

    The study furthered evidences that there was a strong relationship between visuospatial ability , field & independence and spatial orientation in fight .

  10. 傈僳族学生的认知方式偏向于场独立性,怒族和景颇族学生的认知方式都偏向于场依存性;

    Cognitive style of Lishu nationality students are inclined to field-independent , Cognitive style of Nu and Jingpo nationalities students are inclined to field-dependent ;

  11. 听力障碍女童与正常女童认知方式发展存在非常明显的差异,正常女童更倾向于场独立性。

    There is a significant difference of cognitive styles between hearing-impaired girls and normal girls . The normal girls tend to be more field-independent .

  12. 同时根据威特金的研究,场独立性的人的特质焦虑水平较低。

    At the same time , according of the research of witkin , the lever of trait-anxiety of the person of site independence is lower .

  13. 本文从感知学习风格、歧义容忍度和场独立性等三个维度调查研究了235名高校英语专业本科生的学习风格。

    This thesis investigates into the learning styles of 235 undergraduate English majors from three dimensions : perceptual learning styles , tolerance of ambiguity and field independence .

  14. 场独立性/场依赖性分别影响基于同一篇文章的不同的阅读测试类型。旨在揭示场独立性/场依赖性对英语阅读测试成绩的影响。

    The degree of the influence imposed by FID on reading comprehension test performance differs across different types of reading comprehension that are built on same passages .

  15. 发现体育专业的学生以场独立性认知方式者居多,专项为集体项目的学生更倾向于场依存性;

    The research discovered that , the PE majors are in the majority by the field independent cognition way , students majoring in collective projects specially prefer the field depending nature ;

  16. 结果发现:(1)英语水平较低的学生,无论其认知风格是场独立性还是场依存性,都是在教师控制策略下的学习效果好于教师指导下的学生控制策略;

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) In the low-level group , both the FD and FI students performed better in the teacher-controlled condition than in the learner-controlled condition ;

  17. 本文简述了场独立性/场依存性这一认知风格的主要维度,分析了其不同的认知特点,并指出在外语教学中的意义,旨在理解学生认知风格的倾向,灵活有效地指导外语学习。

    This paper introduces the essence of cognitive style , that is , field-independence and field-dependence . It also points out the significance in order to effectively improve foreign language teaching .

  18. 结果表明:(1)听力障碍儿童与正常儿童认知方式发展存在非常明显的差异,正常儿童更倾向于场独立性。

    The results are : ( 1 ) there is a significant difference of cognitive styles between the hearing-impaired children and normal children . The normal children tend to more field-independent .

  19. 结果1高水平的视觉空间认知能力及较强的场独立性特征不仅有助于获得一个良好的飞行定向水平,而且还构成了预测定向水平差异的有效指标;

    Results ① Both high visuospatial ability and high field-independence were helpful to get a improved flight orientation , and those two factors constitute effective indexes for prediction of flight orientation level ;

  20. 这些不同影响来自于低度场独立性和中等场独立性之间的差异以及低度场独立性和高度场独立性之间的差异,与中等场独立性和高度场独立性之间的差异无显著相关性;

    The differences of the scores result from the variance between low and medium field independence as well as between low and high field independence , not from the variance between medium and high field independence ;

  21. 军校学员场独立/依存性认知风格与英语学习关系的调查

    An Empirical Study of Military Cadets ' Field-independence / dependence Cognitive Style

  22. 结论:美术学习的过程有可能影响个体场独立-依存性认知风格的发展。

    Conclusion : Individual field independence-dependence cognitive style would be influenced by art learning .

  23. 场依存-独立性与运动员选拔

    Field Dependence-Independence and the Selection of Athletes

  24. 目的:考察美术学习对场独立-依存性认知风格发展的影响。

    Objective : To study the influence of art learning on the development of field independence-dependence cognitive style .

  25. 场依存性&独立性认知方式对心理旋转的影响

    The Influence of Field-Dependent and Field-Independent Cognitive Styles on Mental Rotation

  26. 场独立/场依赖性对阅读测试的影响

    The Effects of Field Independence / Field Dependence on Reading Comprehension Test

  27. 运动学习认知方式的场依存性&独立性特征的研究

    Study of the Field-dependence and Field-independence of Cognitive Styles in Sports Learning

  28. 关于场依存性-独立性与催眠感受性及性格的比较研究

    A study of the interrelationship among field dependence-independence , hypnotic susceptibility and personality

  29. 结果表明,各类被试者的场依存性与独立性特征存在着差异。

    The results show that there are differences in the characteristics of field-dependence and field-independence among all kinds of subjects .

  30. 场依存性&独立性的认知方式与内外向性格对数学学习影响的个例实验研究

    Influences of Cognitive Styles of Field Dependence and Disposition of Introversion and Extroversion on Mathematics Achievement : A case study