
  1. 文章对EDI合同的形式、生效和要约与承诺的撤回等问题作了分析和探讨。

    This thesis intends to make analysis of the form , efficiency , and the withdraw of offer and acceptance concerned with EDI contract .

  2. 电子合同的要约与承诺的撤回以及要约的撤销仍可适用传统的合同制度。

    The author also introduces the recalling and cancelling of offer and acceptance of the electronic contract , thinks this should still be applicable to the traditional contract system .

  3. 基于意思自治和权利平衡的考虑,认为电子要约可以撤回与撤销、电子承诺可以撤回;

    On the consideration of autonomy of the will and balance of right , the author thinks that electronic offer can be withdrawn and countermanded and electronic promise can also be withdrawn ;

  4. 电子要约和电子承诺的撤回可以按照传统合同法的理论解决,二者的撤销问题比较复杂,需要分情况具体分析。

    The issue of the withdraw of the electronic offer and electronic acceptance can be resolved in the accordance with the traditional theory of contract law . The cancellation of the electronic offer and acceptance is complicated , we should alter cases by circumstances .

  5. 在竞选期间他承诺今年年底前撤回所有部队。

    He promised during his election campaign to remove troops by the end of this year .