
chénɡ bāo jīnɡ yínɡ hé tonɡ
  • agreement on contracted management
  1. 论农用土地承包经营合同

    On Farmland Responsibility Management Contract

  2. 对山东地矿局所属单位承包经营合同完成情况的分析

    An analysis of the execution of managerial contracts undertaken by units subordinate to Shandong Bureau of Geology and mineral resources

  3. 农民承包经营合同的主体和农村经营承包权的主体是两个不同的概念,农村土地承包权的主体只有个人,不包括农户,农户只是以代理关系连接多个个人而形成的一种签约主体。

    The main body of peasant contract for management and the main body of the right to contract for management of rural land are two different concepts .

  4. 所以,本部分以法律惯常的研究方法,从合同主体、内容、本质和特征,对承包经营合同进行了细致的分析和讲解。

    So , this part makes an aborative analysis of the contract management on the perspective of subject , content , essence and character , using customary researchful method .

  5. 农村集体土地所有权是一种特殊的共同共有,农村集体土地使用权具有自物权性质,而土地承包经营合同是一种农村集体共同共有关系中对农村土地的利用与管理的分管契约。

    The rural land ownership is a special form of co-ownership , and the rural usufruct has the nature of self-use property right . The rural land management contract is a respective management contract that makes the rights clear between the co-owners when they use and manage the rural land .

  6. 同时也产生了新的农业合作经济组织形式,如,承包经营型、合同契约型、市场联结型、股份合作型等。

    Meanwhile , new forms of agricultural cooperative economics emerge , such as , contract management , contract bond , market connection , joint stock cooperative system and so on .

  7. 《农村土地承包法》确立了两类签订农村土地承包经营合同的适格主体:一是农户,二是集体经济组织中的个人。

    Rural Land Contracting Law of P.R. China set two kinds of statutory person who can sign up the contract of rural land contracting for management : one is peasant , the other one is the member of collective economic organization .

  8. 虽然企业承包经营责任制是我国特定历史时期的产物,但随之而生的企业承包经营合同争议并不鲜见。

    Although the liability system of contracting and managing enterprises is a outcome in Chinese special period , the compact disputes of contacting and managing enterprises is not few .

  9. 按照现行法律,农民们在多数情况下得到为期30年的土地承包经营权,让他们耕作由当地官员分配的地块,但他们很难出售这些土地承包经营合同,或将自己的土地用作贷款抵押。

    Under current laws , peasant farmers have mostly been given 30-year land use contracts that allow them to farm plots allocated by local party officials but make it very difficult to sell those contracts or use their land as collateral for loans .

  10. 目前,公司承包经营的现象在实践中大量存在,但《公司法》等相关法律法规并未对此作出明确规定,尤其是对承包经营合同的效力。

    However , there is no such explicit statement , especially for the effectiveness of the contract in Company Law and other Law .