
  1. 证券公司违反本通知规定的,比照〈证券经营机构股票承销业务管理办法〉的有关规定予以处罚。

    Any securities companies breaking this Circular shall be punished according to relevant provisions in managerial procedures on securities operational organizations undertaking shares .

  2. 研究A股股票承销业务风险管理的目的就是要找出如何通过建立规范的业务程序及风险管理程序及方法来规避、减小证券公司的风险。

    The aims of discussing risk management of A underwriting stocks business is to set up business and risk management procedure to small and evade risks of underwriting stocks business .

  3. 依照证券公司经营范围及业务特点,我国证券公司风险可分为经纪业务风险、自营业务风险、承销业务风险和资产管理业务风险等。

    According to the business scope and business characteristics , the risks can be divided into the risk of brokerage business , underwriting business , asset management business and own business .