- 网络Securitization;loan securitization;asset securitization;loan securitisation

House mortgage loan securitization is a process in which MBS are issued to investors on basis of collateral , which was composed of one or more mortgage loans .
This paper compares various foreign MBS pricing method . Based on the specific conditions in China , the Monte Carlo simulation method is employed for studying the housing mortgage loan securitization products and establishing its own model .
Study on MBS Pricing Based on China 's MBS Practice
The Pricing of Mortgage - Backed Securitilization ( MBS ) Based on Prepayment risk
It is proper to adopt real estate invest trust way in SPV at first .
The implementation of MBS has many practical meanings : to innovate residential mortgage financing and to achieve public policy goal ;
Based on overseas ' experience , Risk Assessment and the dissertation proposes an approach to MBS valuation applied to China .
Therefore , the authors point out that true sale is the best pattern for AMC 's NPLS in the future .
Mortage-Backed Securitization ( MBS ) is one of the most important financial innovations of the 20th century .
The Special Purpose Vehicle ( SPV ) according with China situation and the international common practice is the core in implementing MBS .
The second chapter describes the process of the mortgage securitization , analyzes the operating mechanism of it , and explains the innovate theory of the MBS .
The legal obstacles about SPC and SPT under the current legal frame are emphatically studied . The author thinks the SPT is the actual choice at present .
This essay illustrates the importance of credit to the supply of asset pool and the operation of MBS from the accept and the basic operation process of MBS .
This paper explains the core of SPV ( Special Purpose Vehicle ) is the segregation of bankrupting risks from the function of SPV in the mortgaged-backed securitization .
After the rising of the securitization of residential mortgage loan in the United States , the Residential Mortgage - Backed Securitization ( MBS ) has become one of the three major financial development trends .
Firstly , this thesis studies the concept , characters and the legal relationship of MBS , pointing out the inevitability of MBS and the practical significance of Mortgage-backed Securitization Legislate in our country .
As an important form of the securitization of assets , Mortgage-Backed Securities ( MBS ) has been proven to be one of the greatest financial innovations in the 20th century after decades of practice in many countries .
Trust companies , loosely regulated groups that securitise loans , have grown much more quickly and could soon surpass insurers in terms of asset size , according to a recent report by KPMG .
Mortgage-backed Securitization ( MBS for short ) is the focus of real estate finance field in recent years . In order to enlarge effective demands and boom national economy , our country must innovate the traditional real estate finance system .
Despite the throes of the ' credit crunch ' , the future of leveraged loan securitisation is solid , it has been telling clients , urging investors to view these CLO products as a buy .
The fourth part , basing on such analysis , discusses the operation models and stock design suitable for our country , and put forward a proposal that we should adopt off-balance sheet model and CMO structure .
Based on cases analyses , the authors conclude that in China AMC 's choice of participation for non-performing loans securitization ( NPLS ) is inevitable , which government 's latent assurance and improvement on AMC 's financing structure are the springboard for the choice .
Housing Mortgage Backed Security , which emerged in the United States in 1970s , develops rapidly in Europe , Japan and the countries of Southeast Asia . MBS contributes greatly to improve the mobility of bank fund , guard against the financial risk and relieve the unhealthy loan .
Overseas Experience of Making Housing Mortgage Loans Securities and its Indication
Real Estate Mortgage-backed Securities in US and Its Inspiration to China
The background and design on the development of MBS in China
Analysis of the Pricing of MBS for Commercial Bank in China
The Study of Default Risk 's Impact on Mortgage-Baeked Security Pricing
Analysis of the income of the investor in the mortgage-backed securitization
The market for securitised mortgages is dead in the water .