
  • 网络loan sale
  1. 美国司法部(DoJ)和美国住宅与城市发展部(DepartmentofHousingandUrbanDevelopment)努力为悬而未决的抵押贷款不当销售调查划上句号,增加了一些新条款,旨在把援助引导至较困难的地区,服务于社区再发展。

    The Department of Justice and Department of Housing and Urban Development are adding provisions aimed at directing aid to distressed areas and community redevelopment efforts as they resolve outstanding investigations into mortgage sale abuses .

  2. 使用Feltham和Ohlson阐述的剩余收益评估模型对国内银行类上市公司的商誉与会计科目之间的关系进行评估,实证检验结果表明:银行商誉价值主要源于存款、贷款以及销售有偿服务。

    The valuation , on the relation between the goodwill of domestic banks and its fiscal subjects , has been made with RIV model .

  3. 由于美国当局就解决抵押贷款不当销售的赔偿问题提出新条款,多家大银行将再向遭受金融危机冲击最严重的社区支付数十亿美元救济金。

    Big banks will have to offer billions of dollars more in relief to the communities hardest hit by the financial crisis , as US authorities demand new terms for settling claims of mortgage sales abuses .

  4. 这些方法经常涉及到现金运用、银行贷款、通过销售资产进行融资、私人股权投资、发行股票和/或发行债券或综合上述的项目。

    They usually involve utilizing cash , bank debt , raising funds through selling of assets , private equity , issuance of equities and / or debt securities , or combination of the above .

  5. 这是2011年案件的一部分,当时包括美国银行在内的18家金融机构被指控误导抵押贷款证券的销售,这些证券在房地产泡沫破灭后引发了危机。

    It 's part of a 2011 suit filed against 18 financial agencies including Bank of America over allegations the banks falsely represented mortgage loans behind those securities which soured after the housing bubble burst .

  6. 次级抵押贷款恶化,零售销售增长迟缓,信贷和消费支出将会进一步收紧的魅影隐隐若现。

    SOUR subprime mortgages , sluggish retail sales , the spectre of a broader retreat in credit and consumer spending .

  7. 由于潜在的轿车买家难以获得贷款,全球轿车销售大幅下降。

    Car sales have plunged around the world as potential car buyers struggled to get loans to finance new-car purchases .

  8. 房地产是钢材消耗、贷款增长以及为销售代理和外来建筑工人创造就业机会的重要驱动力。

    Real estate is an important driver of steel consumption , loan growth and jobs for sales agents and migrant construction workers .

  9. 金融机构各项贷款对商品房销售价格有影响作用,但是影响效果并不明显。

    Financial institutions lending played an influential role in the sales price of commercial houses , however , the impact effect is not obvious .

  10. 例如,一个冻结财产所有人可能会要求雇主在支付部分赤字的的抵押贷款和房屋的销售价格以保持平衡,也许各支付一半。

    For example , an underwater property owner might ask the employer to chip in to cover part of the deficit between the mortgage balance and the home 's sale price , perhaps splitting it fifty-fifty .

  11. 它想收回全部贷款以及为防止销售合同违约而留出的3500万美元备用金,索要总额达到1亿多美元。

    It wants the entire amount of the loan , as well as $ 35 million that was set aside in case of any breaches of the sales contract , bringing the total claim to over $ 100 million .

  12. 笔者以多年从事汽车消费贷款业务的管理经验,对经销商贷款销售汽车的每个工作环节及从管理上如何控制贷款风险进行阐述。

    In light of the management experience of going in for the business of vehicles consumption loan , the author sets forth every working links for dealers how to loan and sell vehicles , and how to control the credit risk through management .