
  1. 最后,本文提出了收取浮动的违约金率的观点,违约金率可以与市场利率等因素挂钩进行定价,也可以推出固定利率抵押贷款合同以管理提前还贷风险。

    Finally , this paper suggests the floating penalty rate , which can be linked with the market interest rate and other factors . Fixed-rate mortgage loan contract can also be launched to manage prepayment risk .

  2. 第五部分是住房反向抵押贷款的监管法律制度,主要讨论了贷款机构的市场准入及退出机制、贷款合同的管理登记制度和各类贷款中介组织在该业务中的作用及对其监管的法律原则。

    Finally , legal supervision on the reverse mortgage is mentioned to discuss the market access and exit mechanism for the loan agency , the administration and registration of loan contracts and the function of various intermediary loan agencies along with the laws for supervision on them .