
  • 网络loan origination
  1. 现在,假设该银行必须为客户开发Internet服务、在线银行或在线贷款发放系统以保持竞争力,结果会怎么样。

    Now suppose the bank must develop an Internet service , on-line banking , or an on-line loan origination system for its customers if it is to remain competitive .

  2. 例如,管理员应该能够更改控制贷款发放的规则。

    For example , an administrator should be able to change the rules that govern loan origination .

  3. 果真如此的话,那么CapitalOne等公司的收益预计将大幅上升,因为较低的违约率可以减轻信用卡贷款发放公司在提取贷款损失准备金方面的压力。

    If so , firms like Capital One could look forward to sharply higher earnings as lower defaults would allow lenders to ease off on the expense of building their loan-loss reserves .

  4. 正如imf的计划所主张的,贷款发放应主要视努力、而非结果而定。

    As in IMF programmes , lending should mainly be conditional on effort , not outcomes .

  5. 存款准备金率的上调,加之以其它宏观紧缩举措,将放缓2008年中国各银行的贷款发放速度,从而导致中国国内生产总值(GDP)增长减缓。

    Higher RRR levels , combined with other macro tightening measures , will slow lending by the country 's banks in 2008 , which will result in a moderation in GDP growth .

  6. 本文介绍了非洲尤其是科特迪瓦银行金融机构对中小企业贷款发放问题的研究结果,这一研究是基于科特迪瓦ACCESS银行的具体案例。

    This paper presents the results of a study covering the Issue of loan disbursement to SMEs / SMIs by banking institutions in Africa generally but in Cote d ' ivoire specially , with a specific study made on the case of Access BANK .

  7. 在美国,布什(Bush)政府迫于政治压力,取消了对政府支持的抵押贷款发放机构实行的投资组合上限。此前,人们抨击了美国政府对次级抵押贷款市场危机的处理方式。

    In the US , the Bush administration caved in to political pressure to lift portfolio caps on government-backed mortgage lenders , after criticism over the handling of the meltdown in the US subprime mortgage market .

  8. ingbarings表示,“政治现实正在超越”其它方面的担忧,例如援助可能会鼓励贷款发放机构未来不计后果地放贷。

    " Political realities are overruling " other worries such as the risk any assistance would encourage lenders to be reckless in the future , said ing Barings .

  9. 在危机到来之前,运转良好的国家就有资格获得灵活信贷额度(fcl),而且贷款发放时很少附带条件。

    The flexible credit line , for which well-run countries can prequalify before a crisis hits , is given out with very few strings attached .

  10. 日经225平均指数(Nikkei225Average)下跌0.4%,但覆盖范围更大的东证指数(Topix)上涨0.4%,中国创纪录的贷款发放和全球经济前景正趋于稳定的希望鼓舞了投资者。

    Japan 's Nikkei 225 Average slipped 0.4 per cent but the broader Topix index gained 0.4 per cent as investors were also encouraged by the record lending in China and by hopes that the global economic outlook was stabilising .

  11. 假设有一家专门从事贷款发放的大型银行。

    Imagine a large bank that specializes in giving out loans .

  12. 这样的改善已导致次级抵押贷款发放量迅速增长。

    These improvements have led to rapid growth in subprime mortgage lending .

  13. 对抵押贷款发放机构进行更加具体的监管也是可取的。

    More hands-on regulation of mortgage distributors is also desirable .

  14. 它们都是不良住房贷款发放的受害者。

    All were victims of poor residential real estate lending .

  15. 但是那些转移在多年前贷款发放的时候就发生了。

    But those transfers occurred years ago , when these loans were made .

  16. 世行将成为提供解决方案的银行,而不是巨型贷款发放机。

    It will be a solutions bank , rather than a giant loan mill .

  17. 此外,政府已取消了学生贷款发放人数限制。

    The government has also lifted limits on the numbers eligible for student loans .

  18. 这些高收益的贷款发放给信用度低的购买者,然后出售给投资者。

    These highly profitable loans were marketed to risky buyers and then sold to investors .

  19. 如此大的泡沫还需要有野心勃勃的抵押贷款发放者、轻率的购房者和短视的投资者参与其中。

    A bubble so large also required aggressive mortgage originators , imprudent home buyers and myopic investors .

  20. 但那个标识清楚表明,这幢房子已经被当地的抵押贷款发放机构收回,并警示人们未经许可不得进入。

    But the sign makes clear the house has been repossessed by a local mortgage lender and warns against trespassing .

  21. 利润率不断增长的银行将被吸引到将贷款发放给有更多额外的信用风险的业务对手。

    The banks , looking at increasing their profitability will be attracted by lending to more credit risk weighting counterparts .

  22. 当时为了绕开对政府债务的监管限制,平台贷款发放给了政府支持的投资实体。

    To get around regulatory restrictions on government debt , the loans to local authorities were issued to government-backed investment vehicles .

  23. 对于非银行抵押贷款发放机构与发起机构,肯定可以进行直接监管,或通过管理抵押贷款市场本身进行监管。

    Surely , the non-bank mortgage lenders and originators can be regulated either directly or through management of the mortgage market itself .

  24. 他负责了解救北岩的谈判。北岩为英国第七大抵押贷款发放机构,最终被国有化。

    He was charged with negotiations to save Northern Rock , Britain 's seventh biggest mortgage lender , which ended in its nationalisation .

  25. 投资者对其余金融机构偿付能力的信任将逐渐恢复,贷款发放和证券发行将慢慢回复正常。

    Trust in the solvency of remaining counterparties will be gradually restored and issuance of loans and securities will slowly return to normal .

  26. 除了承诺在贷款发放过程中遵守特定的标准以外,许多银行已向绿色项目投入了相当规模的资金。

    As well as promising to abide by certain standards in their lending , many banks have invested sizeable amounts in green projects .

  27. 而在欧洲,公司债净发行量去年超过了贷款发放额。欧洲的企业过去一直依赖于直接从银行借款。

    And in Europe , where companies have historically relied on borrowing directly from banks , net corporate bond issuance overtook loan issuance .

  28. 隐含的国家担保,加上针对贷款发放的国家配额,将大部分主流资金推向国有企业。

    Implicit state guarantees , as well as national quotas on loan disbursements , push the majority of mainstream financing towards state-owned enterprises .

  29. 银行把数百万美元的风险房贷款发放给购房者,而这些人后来却发现他们根本就没有能力支付房贷。

    Banks put up millions of dollars in risky mortgage loans to home buyers who later found they could not keep up with the payments .

  30. 贷款发放机构必须接受这种部分结清抵押贷款,并将月供与本金同样减少20%。

    Creditors would be required to accept this partial mortgage pay-down and to reduce the monthly interest and principal by the same 20 per cent .