
  • 网络Lending Margin
  1. 他举了国有控股银行巴西银行(BancodoBrasil)的例子:这家银行的盈利水平与私营企业相当,但根据政府最近的指令降低了贷款息差。

    He cites the example of Banco do Brasil , a state-controlled bank that enjoys private-sector levels of profitability , but that on recent government orders cut lending spreads .

  2. 与此同时,银行收取的手续费及贷款息差也大幅上升。

    Meanwhile , arrangement fees and margins charged by banks have soared .

  3. 由于吸收港元存款的成本上升、而美国利率仍一动不动,银行不得不提高贷款息差。

    As the cost of funding for Hong Kong dollar deposits rises while US rates remain static , banks need to raise lending spreads .

  4. 上周出人意料的加息,将给各银行带来较大的贷款息差,这是中国各银行的主要营收来源。

    The surprise interest rate rise last week will provide banks with large lending margins , which are the main source of revenue for Chinese banks .

  5. 尽管美国的基准利率仍维持在近零水平(因而香港也是如此),香港银行却大幅提高了它们的贷款息差(提高幅度多达130个基点)。

    Hong Kong banks are drastically widening their lending spreads ( by as much as 130bp ) even as base rates in US ( and therefore Hong Kong ) remain close to zero .

  6. 我怀疑,当前的信贷缺口能否因贷款机构息差扩大而逐渐缩小,从而让银行得到更高的回报。

    I suspect the current credit gap will gradually be filled thanks to better margins for lenders , leading to improved banking returns .

  7. 它们有着充裕的流动性三菱ufj金融集团(mitsubishiufj)公布的财报显示,该公司日本贷款组合的净息差仅为0.09%。

    They have plenty of liquidity and the net interest margin for Mitsubishi UFJ on its loan portfolio in Japan is a mere 0.09 per cent , according to its financial statements .

  8. 这家企业能够赚取较高的人民币存款利率和较低的美元贷款利率之间的息差,同时还能从人民币对美元汇率的升值中获益。

    The company would make money on the difference between the high Chinese deposit rate and the low dollar borrowing rate , also booking a gain from the yuan 's appreciation against the dollar .