
  • 网络loan approval
  1. 一个示例使用场景是,允许管理员单击贷款审批流程图中的审批步骤,然后HumanTasks小部件就会显示所有审批任务。

    An example usage would allow a manager to click on the approval step in a loan approval process diagram and the Human Tasks widget would then show all of the approval tasks .

  2. 一些工作流步骤,比如贷款审批,就是业务事件。

    Some workflow steps , such as loan approval are business events .

  3. 商业银行;贷款审批;财务分析;风险防范;

    Commercial bank ; Examination and approval of loan ; Financial analysis ; Risk prevention ;

  4. 合理划分贷款审批权限权利和职责是分不开的。

    Limits of authority for examining and approving loans should be rationally defined . Rights are inseparable from duties .

  5. 很多时候在流程中都会需要人工交互(如出差审批或贷款审批)。

    Quite often , human interactions are needed in the course of a process ( e.g. , travel approval or loan approval ) .

  6. 在典型的案例管理解决方案中,案例为贷款审批或汽车保险理赔等业务决策提供上下文。

    In typical case management solutions , a case provides context for making a business decision such as funding a loan or paying an auto insurance claim .

  7. 合理划分贷款审批权限所有字段都用一个合法限定的值。

    Limits of authority for examining and approving loans should be rationally defined . All of the fields have a set of valid values that can be specified .

  8. 在这方面,“服务”这个术语是指通用服务提供者提供的抽象服务;例如“银行查询”或“贷款审批”。

    In this respect , the term service means an abstract service that is provided by a generic service provider ; for example , a " bank inquiry " or " loan approval " .

  9. 使用一个需要人工协作的汽车贷款审批流程对系统进行检验,应用结果验证了系统的合理性与可行性,能够实现用户干预流程的执行。

    A car loan approval process which need user interactions was used to verify the system . The result proved that the system is reasonable and feasible , and user can affect the running of processes .

  10. 一家国营报纸昨日援引未具名消息人士的话称,迄今放贷最活跃的大型国有银行中国银行,已关闭其内部的电子化贷款审批系统。

    A state-run newspaper yesterday cited unnamed sources as saying that Bank of China , which has been the most active lender among the large state banks , had switched off its internal electronic loan approval system .

  11. 异常检测应用在电信和信用卡欺骗、贷款审批、气象预报、金融领域和客户分类等领域中。

    Outlier detection often apply in the field of telecommunications & credit card cheating , loan approval , weather forecast , financial industry and classification of customer , etc. Outlier detection develops from traditional statistic area to the widely research .

  12. 贷款审批系统,能够实现贷款业务的集约化经营、科学化管理,对增强贷款资产的安全性,提高贷款审批管理水平,规范业务流程,加强贷款审批预决策的科学性起到极大的积极作用。

    Credit approval System can achieve intensive and scientific management of the credit operations , play an active role in the enhancement of credit assets security , improvement of credit approval level , criterion of business management processes , and the enhancement of credit pre-approval scientific decision .

  13. 此外,“机器人签名”丑闻银行被指采用了有问题甚至可能是欺诈性的收房过程余波也还没有完全消除,而按揭贷款的审批也将陷入停滞。

    Add in the fallout from the " robo-signing " scandal , in which banks were accused of using flawed and possibly fraudulent foreclosure processes , and mortgage approvals will stay sluggish .

  14. 金融机构要在控制风险的前提下,合理下放对小企业贷款的审批权限,简化审贷程序,提高贷款审批效率。

    Financial institutions shall reasonably down pass the power and authority in approving loans for small-sized enterprises , simplify the process of approving loans and improve the efficiency in approving loans , subject to the precondition of controlling risks .

  15. ZestFinance成立于2009年,从2010年开始自己为客户提供贷款,并审批合作伙伴的贷款。

    ZestFinance , founded in 2009 , began making loans itself and underwriting loans made by lending partners in 2010 .

  16. 将业务线条和风险管理线条区别开来,形成相互协调相互制衡的组织结构机制,实现商业银行风险的集中管理以及贷款的集中审批。

    Separate the operation and risk management , form the harmony and balance structure , and achieve the goal that manage the risk and permission of the credit concentrate .

  17. 斯科特贷款数据资料贷款审批程序,从小型企业管理活动。

    SBA Loan Data - A database of loan program approval activity from the Small Business Administration .

  18. 在企业新的贷款已经获得银行审批的前提下,我方可为企业提供过桥融资。

    Enterprises'New loans have got approval from bank , as the premise , we can provide the bridge financing .

  19. 审批人员应在授权范围内按规定流程审批贷款,不得越权审批。

    Examiners shall examine loans according to the specified process within the scope of authority and may not examine loans beyond authority .

  20. 自年初以来,银行收紧了对购房者的信贷投放,不仅从年初开始在基准利率的基础上提高了住房贷款利率,而且延长了贷款审批时间。

    Since the start of the year , banks have tightened credit to homebuyers , charging a premium on benchmark rates since the start of the year and taking a longer time to approve housing loans .

  21. 汽车消费贷款保证保险极大地简化了贷款审批程序,释放了大量潜在的汽车消费需求,为我国汽车工业和汽车消费信贷市场的发展做出巨大贡献。

    The appearance of auto loan guarantee insurance not only greatly simplifies the loan approval procedures , but also boosts potential car consumption remarkably .

  22. 就可调整贷款及学习与创新贷款项目而言,审批者为世行高级管理层,而不是执董会。

    In the case of the Adaptable Lending , and Learning & Innovation loans , the World Bank 's senior management approves the project , not the Board of Directors .

  23. 今年1月,菲律宾国家水务机构mwss放弃亚行,转而向中国进出口银行(chinaexport-importbank)贷款,理由是中方银行提供的贷款利率更低,审批过程也更快。

    In January , mwss , a state water agency in the Philippines , switched its borrowing to the China Export-Import Bank from the ADB on the grounds that the Chinese were offering cheaper rates and faster approval .

  24. 针对相关风险防范要求分别提出了相关商业银行个人经营贷款风险管理在贷前调查、贷款审查、贷款审批及发放和贷后管理方面提出应对措施。

    For the associated risk prevention demands were put forward the relevant commercial bank loans to individual business risk management in front of the survey , inspection , and issued for examining and approving loans and loans after the management of the proposed in response .

  25. 已改制银行的官方不良贷款率已经从此前的逾20%降至个位数,许多银行已经实施了贷款集中审批制度。

    Official non-performing loan rates at the reformed banks are down to low single digits from more than 20 per cent previously and many have introduced centralised loan approval systems .