
  • 网络ltv;loan-to-value ratio;loan to value
  1. 为预防房地产泡沫,他们也必须适时地调整商业和住宅抵押贷款的贷款价值比。

    They must also vary the loan-to-value ratio on commercial and residential mortgages to forestall real estate bubbles .

  2. 与此同时,尽管中国表示要吸取美国危机的经验教训,但它其实正兴冲冲地走在类似的道路上:企图通过放宽对新屋购置的贷款价值比要求,来激活楼市。

    Meanwhile China , notwithstanding its rhetoric about learning from the US crisis , is merrily ploughing a similar path seeking to galvanise the property market by loosening loan to value requirements on new home purchases .

  3. 2007年以来,瑞士法郎兑英镑汇率上涨了56%,导致这栋大楼在2009年突破了其贷款价值比(LTV)上限。

    The currency has risen 56 per cent against the pound since 2007 and as a result the building breached its loan-to-value cap in 2009 .

  4. 自那以来,这栋大楼的贷款价值比一直高于上限。今年4月,以巴伐利亚州银行(BayerischeLandesbank)为首的5家德国银行组成的贷款财团聘请了破产管理机构德勤。

    It has remained in breach ever since and in April the lending consortium of five German banks led by Bayerische Landesbank called in administrators Deloitte .

  5. 本文以2001年北京个贷市场实际交易数据为基础,采用二元Logit选择模型,定量分析经济因素、借款人个体属性和个贷产品属性对借款人个贷期限和贷款价值比选择行为的影响。

    Based on the real transaction data from market of individual loans in Beijing in 2001 , a bi-Logit selective model is used to quantitatively analyze the influence of economic factors , borrowers ' identities and property of individual credit products on selective behavior of credit period and credit-to-value ratio .

  6. 基于协调供应链采购合同抵押的银行贷款价值比研究

    Study on Loan-to-value Ratios of Bank in the Coordinating Supply Chain based on Order Contract

  7. 本文基本结论为,借款人个贷期限和贷款价值比选择行为相对合理,不存在绝对高风险人群。

    It is concluded that the selective behaviors of individual loan-period and loan-value ratio are relatively reasonable and there is no absolute high-risk group .

  8. 并且随着贷款价值比的增加,企业有可能保留部分资金,而使用贷款增加库存。

    It is shown that only retailers with smaller mortgage inventory use up all the line of credit and with the loan to value increases , the retailers maybe reserve part of their cash and borrow to increase inventory .

  9. 从企业-银行不合作博弈的角度出发,考虑质押物的处理价不高于储存费用的情况下,银行的贷款价值比的确定问题。

    In the case that the retailers have a noncooperation game with the bank , the paper studies the bank ′ s loan to value design when the mortgage commodity ′ s disposal price is no more than its storage one .

  10. 研究表明,由于信贷约束的存在,如果房地产商的贷款抵押价值比(LTV)过高就会面临巨大的风险。

    Studies show that if the Loan to Value ( LTV ) of the developers is too high , risk would arise due to borrowing constraints .

  11. 疯狂成为常态:在德国,贷款投资一家酒店的贷款价值比(loan-to-value)达110%,而借款方既不懂酒店,也不懂德国;

    Madness became routine : the 110 % loan-to-value financing for a hotel in Germany , offered to a borrower with no knowledge of either hotels or Germany ;

  12. 存货抵押贷款中,信用风险主要来源于抵押物价格和流动性风险,信贷人确定适当的利率和贷款价值比能够有效缓释信用风险。

    Determining certain interest rate and loan to value ratio ( LTV ) can make creditors mitigate credit risk , which comes from the price risk and liquidity risk of collateral in inventory pledge loan .