
dài kuǎn zhǒnɡ lèi
  • types of loans
  1. 两个非常重要和经常使用的贷款种类、贷款联会视力贷款。

    Two very important and frequently used types of loans are FHA Loans and VA Loans .

  2. 日本输出入银行对华贷款种类与特点

    Japan Import and Export Bank : Types and Features of Its Loans to China

  3. 在我国住房按揭贷款种类虽有7种之多,但由于贷款方式已基本固化,市场同质化、技术支撑不足等现象较为严重。

    Although seven kinds in China , but they are fixed relatively . The phenomenon of different bank selling same financial products and the support of technique and so on is vary seriously .

  4. 而关于贷款种类和利率,应针对我国教育的特点,并适应经济发展水平,其法律规范既要体现市场性,又要体现国家对教育事业的重点支持。

    To the debit types and interest rate , the financing organizations should embody not only marketing features but also the country 's strategic orientation of education development according to oar country 's educational features and economic development level .

  5. 在由信贷推动的经济繁荣期,对扩大抵押贷款额和其它种类的债务进行减税会减少财政收入。

    In a credit-fuelled boom , tax reliefs for bigger mortgages and other kinds of debt reduce revenues .

  6. 论文通过分析国家开发银行甘肃省分行电力项目贷款现状及贷款种类,对其贷款对象&电网项目、电源项目所面临的风险进行了分类。

    This thesis classified risk of power net project and electric source project which is the grant object of the China Development Bank Gansu Branch by means of the analysis on the project loan status and sorts .

  7. 2008年以来,生源地信用助学贷款,作为国家助学贷款体系的重要贷款种类,在全国各地陆续开展起来。

    Since the year of 2008 , the policy of the locally-granted student loan has been gradually put into practice throughout the country , as an important part of the National student loan system .

  8. 第一部分首先界定国际银团贷款的概念,在此基础上详细分析国际银团贷款的种类、法律关系及其历史发展,为进一步研究国际银团贷款奠定基础。

    The first part defines the concept of the international syndicated loan and analyzes the types , legal relations and historical development of the international syndicated loan in detail so as to lay the foundation for the study of international syndicated loan .

  9. 接着论述了住房抵押贷款证券化的交易结构(基本运作流程),最后是对证券化产品一一住房抵押贷款支撑证券种类的说明。

    Then the author probes on the transaction form of MBS ( its operation flow ) and the varieties of Mortgage-backed Securities .