
dài kuǎn rén
  • lender;accommodator
  1. 国家助学贷款是指贷款人向借款人发放的由中央财政或地方财政贴息,用于借款人本人或其直系亲属、法定被监护人在国内高等学校就读全日制本、专科或研究生所需学杂费和生活费用的助学贷款。

    State educational loans refer to educational loans granted by the lender to borrowers that are given fiscal interest discounts by the central financial authorities or local financial sector undergraduate , professional or graduate courses .

  2. 欧元区成员国将需要欧洲央行(ecb)充当最后的贷款人。

    Eurozone members will need the European Central Bank as a lender of last resort .

  3. 许多人将无法付清贷款,有可能会沦为“僵尸贷款人”。

    Many will be unable to pay off the loan and risk becoming “ zombie debtors “ .

  4. 随后,美联储(Fed)将其最后贷款人支持扩展到具有系统重要性的经纪自营商。

    The Federal Reserve then extended its lender-of-last-resort support to systemically important broker-dealers .

  5. 关于IMF能否作为国际最后贷款人问题之研究

    A Study on the Question that If the IMF Can Be the Final International Creditor

  6. 它没有必要是因为,美联储(Fed)能够通过其多种最后贷款人操作解决流动性不足。

    It is not necessary , because the Federal Reserve is able to manage illiquidity through its many lender-of-last resort operations .

  7. 毕竟,欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)已经一再强调,它没有义务作为最后贷款人,同时也拒绝提高纸币的发行量。

    After all , the European Central Bank has repeatedly said it has no mandate to act as the lender of last resort and has refused to print money .

  8. 其他贷款人包括巴克莱银行(Barclays)、澳新银行(ANZBank)、瑞信(CreditSuisse)、荷兰国际集团(ING),以及总部位于香港的永隆银行(WingLungBank)和恒生银行(HangSengBank)。

    Others include Barclays , ANZ , Credit Suisse , ING and Hong Kong-based lenders Wing Lung and Hang Seng Bank .

  9. 但其最后时刻选择的贷款人BaysideCapital却全额收回了贷款,外加12.5%的利息。

    But its last-ditch lender , Bayside Capital , had its loan repaid in full , plus 12.5 % interest .

  10. 很多贷款人本身是MBA的校友,而全世界100所顶级商学院中的60所是该平台的合作方。

    Many of those lending money are MBA alumni themselves and 60 of the world 's 100 top business schools are partners on the platform .

  11. 上世纪30年代,致命的错误就是美联储(Fed)没能认识到自己作为最后贷款人(lender-of-last-resort)的责任。

    In the 1930s the critical mistake was the Federal Reserve 's failure to recognise its lender-of-last-resort responsibilities .

  12. 最后贷款人角色的经典定义是由沃尔特•白芝浩(WalterBagehot)所下的。

    The role of lender of last resort was classically defined by Walter Bagehot .

  13. 美国没有忘记此次教训:在数年后的1913年,美国建立了联邦储备体系(federalreservesystem),结束了美国80年来没有正式的最后贷款人的历史。

    The lesson was not lost : a few years later , in 1913 , the Federal Reserve System opened for business , ending 80 years in which the US had done without an official lender of last resort .

  14. 本研究可供政府机构、投资人、贷款人、企业以及银行计划参与一个BOT项目时作为决策参考。

    The study is available for government institution , investors , creditors , enterprises and bank of their decision making in participating in a BOT schedule .

  15. 欧洲央行(ECB)会主张,由于希腊银行不再拥有可靠的抵押品,因此它无法再扮演最后贷款人的角色。

    The European Central Bank would argue that Greek banks no longer possess good collateral , which would prevent it from operating as a lender of last resort .

  16. 高利率的情况仅出现在一些欧元区国家,因为欧洲央行(ECB)无权做这些国家政府的最后贷款人。

    Interest rates are only high in some eurozone countries , because the European Central Bank is not allowed to act as lender of last resort to the government .

  17. 欧洲央行和efsf合力,可能做到欧洲央行独自无法做到的事情:充当最后贷款人。

    Together , the ECB and the EFSF could do what the ECB cannot do on its own : act as a lender of last resort .

  18. 谈判独立条款可能需要几年时间,在此期间英国央行(BoE)仍将是苏格兰各银行的最后贷款人。

    It could take years to negotiate the terms of independence , during which time the Bank of England would remain lender of last resort for Scottish banks .

  19. 与英国其它银行一样,巴克莱同意开始向被误导购买PPI的客户进行退款。PPI是一种旨在使贷款人在生病或失业时仍可偿还贷款的保险产品。

    Like other UK banks , Barclays agreed to start refunding customers who were mis-sold PPI as a way to cover loan repayments if they fell ill or lost their jobs .

  20. 例如如果你向Siri借钱,她会一本正经地回答你:“我既不是借款人也不是贷款人。”

    For example , if you ask Siri to borrow some money , she 'll sagely reply with , " Neither a borrower nor a lender be . "

  21. 庞大的美国次级抵押贷款担保证券市场昨日陷入动荡,因为贷款人出售从贝尔斯登(BearStearns)旗下两家对冲基金查扣的资产,价值逾10亿美元。这两家对冲基金在次级抵押贷款方面损失惨重。

    The giant market for securities backed by US subprime mortgages was thrown into turmoil yesterday as lenders sold more than $ 1bn of assets seized from two Bear Stearns hedge funds that suffered heavy losses on subprime bets .

  22. 最后贷款人(LLR)制度:香港经验及其启示论金融危机救援中私人机构的最后贷款人功能

    Lender of Last Resort : Experience and Revelation from Hong Kong On Private Institutes ' Function as the LLR in the Bailout of Financial Crisis

  23. IMF则无需这样做:它是危机贷款人,不是向拖欠债务的富有国家提供资金的慈善大叔;同时,IMF必须确保会有足够的欧元区资金注入,使自己能够收回贷款。

    The IMF will not : it is a crisis lender , not a benevolent uncle for delinquent rich countries , and it needs to be clear that there will be enough eurozone cash coming in that it can get its money back .

  24. 如果仅用于支撑希腊和葡萄牙的债务市场,这笔资金还算充足,但EFSF要想成为西班牙和意大利这些国家的最终贷款人,这点资金却只能算杯水车薪。

    That might be enough to support the debt markets of Greece and Portugal , but it is not enough to be a lender of last resort to countries like Spain and Italy .

  25. 显然是通过借贷,原因是每家公司的VIE都有一笔应付贷款,贷款人是一家已经在整合中消失的关联公司。

    It is quite clear that they were loaned to the vie , since each of these companies show a loan payable by the vie to a related company that is eliminated in consolidation .

  26. 要制定任何新的架构,就必须赢得选民和投资者的信心,同时还应承认,强迫欧洲央行(ECB)充当欧洲主权国家的最后贷款人,会带来切实的货币风险。

    Any new structure must win the confidence of voters and investors alike . It should also acknowledge the real monetary risks of the European Central Bank being coerced into acting as a sovereign lender of last resort for the entire region .

  27. Prodigy的市场通过一个上市的债券计划运行——贷款人购买一个债权组合的股份,支持某一所公认的商学院的一组学生,而非为个人提供信贷。

    Prodigy 's marketplace operates through a listed bond programme , in which lenders buy a stake in a package of debt supporting a group of students from a recognised business school rather than offering credit to individuals .

  28. 根据最新数据显示,美国有97%的房屋抵押贷款人被公司追踪,或者银行已提交或取消抵押品赎回权的提议(并盖有可怕的“REO”或“房地产拥有”字号)。

    The percentage of homes that banks have filed foreclosure on or repossessed ( and stamped with the dreaded " REO ," or " real estate owned ," moniker ) now account for3 % of all mortgaged homes .

  29. 他的观点是,欧洲央行体系(ESCB)为帮助无法在市场上融资的银行而充当最后贷款人的行为,正从资金方面支撑着国际收支赤字。

    His argument is that the lender-of-last-resort activity of the European System of Central Banks , in favour of banks unable to fund themselves in the market , is financing payments deficits .

  30. 实际上,一些官员私下承认,在这场信贷危机中,FHLB实际上已经取代了美国央行,成为金融系统的最终贷款人。

    Indeed some officials privately admit that the FHLBs have , in effect , replaced the US central bank as the lender of last resort for the financial system in the credit crisis .