
  • 网络Loan purpose;intended use of the loan;loan use;Usage of the Loan;Use of Proceeds
  1. 微观信贷风险结构由信贷业务的三个风险基点&贷款用途、客户信用和担保效力的不同组合构成,具有时变属性。

    The basic three points of credit risk , which are loan-using , customer credit , loan guarantee , make up of different microscopic risk structures by different combinations . And microscopic risk structures can be changed with time going by .

  2. 走市场化可持续性小额信贷,包括利率市场化、贷款用途多样化,减少政府干预,以及灵活还款方式、林权抵押等。

    First , we should make microfinance sustainable and market-based : including the diversification of the use of the loans , the market-oriented interest rate , reduction of government intervention , a flexible repayment methods , forest ownership mortgage and other innovative products or innovative technology .

  3. 你打算把这笔贷款用于何种用途?

    For what purpose do you intend to use the loan ?

  4. 委托贷款的对象、用途、金额、期限、利率均由甲方在国家法律、政策允许的范围内根据具体情况核定。

    The entrusted loan object , purpose , amount , term , interest rate by the Party in national laws , policies to the extent permitted under the specific conditions for approval .

  5. 马理说,这笔贷款并没有指定用途,不过它将有助于标准银行为中国和南非公司在非洲其它地区日益活跃的经济活动提供资金。

    Mr Maree said the money had not been earmarked for a specific purpose , although it will help standard fund the growing activities of Chinese and South African corporates elsewhere in Africa .

  6. 无论对政府还是消费者而言,房地产都是重要的财富,因此需要准确评估房地产的价值,作为物业税征收、房地产买卖和抵押贷款等方面的用途。

    Regardless of speaking of the government or the consumer , the real estate all is the important wealth , therefore it needs accurately to appraise the value of real estate , for the use of the property tax , real estate business and mortgage loan and so on .

  7. 当利率升高时,在发放贷款前和选择贷款用途前会分别出现逆向选择和第一类道德危险,由此引发个人信贷市场的信贷配给。

    When interest rate increases , adverse selection and moral hazard I will emerge before loans are granted and their function are chosen respectively , which will cause credit rationing in personal credit market .

  8. 为了完善我国的个人住房贷款管理法规,提出三项主要建议:扩展个人住房贷款的用途范围;

    China 's rules of personal housing loan management ought to be improved . This paper makes three main suggestions for its improvement : to expand the limits for uses of personal housing loan ;

  9. 贷款诈骗罪的非法占有目的,应从贷款是否偿还、贷款的用途、还款能力和还款行为、有无无法返还或拒不返还的行为等方面考察。

    Crime of Fraud in Loan of illegal possession of the purpose , should be whether the loan is repaid , the loan purpose , repayment ability , and repayment behavior , whether there can not be returned or refused to return of behavior investigated .