
  • 【财】servicing of loan
  1. 铁路投资项目国内贷款还本付息的探讨

    Research on Repayment of Capital and Interest for Domestic Loan of Railway Investment Project

  2. 还本付息有困难的贷款:指还本付息严重拖延或完全停止的贷款。

    Distressed loan : Loan on which repayment of interest and principal has been severely delayed or completely suspended .

  3. 住房抵押贷款是消费者购买商品房时为了弥补资金的不足而向银行贷款,同时作为还本付息的担保,消费者必须将所购房屋抵押于银行的购房担保形式。

    Housing mortgage loan is one form of guaranteed loans that the house purchaser gets loan from the bank for money replenishment , while also mortgage the purchased house to the bank for ensuring the repayments of capital and interests .