
  • pre-loan investigation
  1. 贷前调查的信息真实度决定贷款的质量。

    Information accuracy of pre-loan investigation determines the quality of loan .

  2. 本文从农行商品房开发项目贷款运作的实例着手,从贷前调查的角度提出了针对上述六种风险因素防范的对策,并给出了具体的贷前调查建议。

    Based on the real cases of Agriculture Bank of China , this essay gives the countermeasure to the six types of risk mentioned above in the point of view of pre-loan investigation , and more , the specific suggestion t the pre-loan investigation .

  3. 针对相关风险防范要求分别提出了相关商业银行个人经营贷款风险管理在贷前调查、贷款审查、贷款审批及发放和贷后管理方面提出应对措施。

    For the associated risk prevention demands were put forward the relevant commercial bank loans to individual business risk management in front of the survey , inspection , and issued for examining and approving loans and loans after the management of the proposed in response .