
  • 网络loan extension
  1. 7月1日,Allco金融集团设法同银行达成了贷款展期,但作为回报,Allco必须支付更高的利息,并承诺减少债务。

    Allco Finance Group managed to negotiate a loan extension with its bankers on July1st in return for higher interest charges and a promise to cut its debt .

  2. 一个消费者团体,负责任借贷中心称,许多借款者都会例行将贷款展期。

    The Centre for Responsible Lending , a consumer group , says that many borrowers routinely roll over their loans .

  3. 直到不久以前,中国的银行还不愿冲销巨额债务,宁愿通过贷款展期来维系企业的生存。

    Until recently , Chinese banks have been reluctant to write off big debts , preferring to keep businesses alive by rolling over their loans .

  4. 在此种背景下,要求银行对贷款展期(无论是否被视为技术违约)的提议已经不重要了。

    Against this background , proposals for rollovers by the banks , whether or not deemed technically a default , are neither here nor there .

  5. 不过,银行往往继续让贷款展期并提供更多贷款,尤其是对舜天这样的国有企业。该公司控股股东是江苏省政府。

    But banks usually keep rolling over debts and lending more , particularly for state-owned companies like Sainty Marine , where the controlling shareholder is Jiangsu province .

  6. 一名分析师称,空置住宅意味着实际坏账规模要大于银行公开给出的数字,这是因为地方政府鼓励当地银行以给贷款展期然后佯装问题不存在的方式来维持开发商的流动性。

    One analyst said empty houses suggest a larger volume of bad debts than banks " official figures indicate , since local governments encourage local banks to engage in " extend and pretend " to keep developers liquid .

  7. CMS和ABIS双方共同讨论制订数据交换协议,根据业务需要商定各自关心的接口数据流,实现贷款、展期、垫款等信息提取、发送、查询功能的数据交换。

    CMS and the ABIS discuss to complete the data exchange protocol , Based on business need to agree on their respective concerns interface data flow , Bring the loan , extension , advances such as information extraction , send , query functionality for data exchange . 4 .

  8. 注资提案将对银行贷款进行展期,并向迪拜世界旗下多个公司注入现金,以期控股公司能够在5到8年的时间里转型成一个产生现金的企业。

    The proposals would extend maturities on bank loans and inject cash into the businesses , in the hope that the holding company could be transformed into a cash-generating enterprise within five to eight years .

  9. 如果没有国际援助,这些贷款就无法展期。

    These loans cannot be rolled over without international aid .

  10. 但这一现象只会令人怀疑,银行对不良贷款做了展期。

    But that has only raised the suspicion that poor bets have been rolled over .

  11. 如果央行拒绝在贷款到期后展期,那么这些新制造的货币就自动消失了。

    If the PBoC declines to roll the loans over on maturity , the newly created money automatically disappears .

  12. 地方政府本身的贷款也正在展期,限制了银行能够放贷的新资金数量。

    Local governments themselves are having their loans rolled over , limiting the amount of new funds that banks can lend out , Green says .

  13. 协助信控部经理审查,批准新的贷款申请和贷款展期。

    Assists underwriting manager to review and approve new loan application and credit extension request .

  14. 该计划可能包括政府贷款担保或将现有贷款展期,尽管台湾总统马英九上周排除了注资的可能性。

    This might include government loan guarantees or rolling over existing loans , although Ma Ying-jeou , the president , last week ruled out a capital injection .

  15. 芝加哥大学(universityofchicago)7月2日告知毕业生,由于资本市场危机,其贷款合作伙伴无法对其贷款额度展期,这所大学也不能再为学生提供贷款。

    The University of Chicago told graduate students on July 2 that its lending partner was unable to renew its line of credit owing to disruptions in the capital markets and the University was no longer able to provide loans to students .

  16. 信托行业此前已经出现过借贷人无法偿还贷款的可能性。在2012年年中,信托行业曾出现过一次房地产开发商贷款到期但不能展期的情况。

    The trust sector has faced the prospect of borrowers not being able to repay their loans before . In mid-2012 , trusts were facing a wave of maturing loans to property developers that they were banned from rolling over .