
  1. 即使是这样,固定抵押贷款平均利率仍为4%左右,距离历史最低值约0.5个百分点。

    Even so the average rate on fix rates on mortgage loans is still about 4 % within half a point near its historic lows .

  2. 截止到本周,30年抵押贷款平均利率是5.19%,这是至少37年来的最低水平。

    The average rate for a thirty-year mortgage was five and nineteen one-hundredths percent this week . That is the lowest in at least thirty-seven years .

  3. 该协会的首席经济学家LawrenceYun预计,到今年年底,30年期固息抵押贷款的平均利率将触及5.5%,高于去年底的4.5%和去年上半年的3.5%。

    Lawrence Yun , the trade group 's chief economist , expects the average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage to hit 5.5 % at year-end , up from 4.5 % late last year and 3.5 % in the first half of 2013 .

  4. 但根据欧洲央行的统计数字,1月份,欧元区浮息抵押贷款及头年为固定利率的抵押贷款的平均利率下降了70个基点,至4.39%。

    But according to the ECB statistics , the interest rate on floating-rate eurozone mortgages and those with rates initially fixed for up to a year fell by 70 basis points in January to an average of 4.39 per cent .

  5. 抵押贷款巨头房地美表示这个星期30年期的贷款平均利率上升了4.58%。

    Mortgage giant Freddie Mac says the average rate on the 30-year loan has risen a 4.58 % this week .

  6. 抵押贷款公司房地美今天宣布,本周30年期的住房贷款平均利率创下52周以来的新低,平均利率略高于4%。

    Mortgage Company Freddie Mac announced today the average interests on its 30 years home loan remained to be 52-week-low this week , averaging just over 4 % .