
  • 网络Loan procedures;loan processing
  1. 世行项目周期和我国利用世行贷款程序

    The World Bank 's Project Cycle and the Procedures of Using The World Bank Loans

  2. 我们改革了学生的助学贷款程序,这样年轻人就可以更快的减轻债务。

    We reformed the student loan process so more young people can get out of debt faster .

  3. 改革也将针对国际开发协会控制措施审查发现的投资贷款程序存在的薄弱环节。

    IL reform will also address the weaknesses of the IL process identified in the IDA Controls Review .

  4. 各种融资方式有不同特点,如银行贷款程序简单、筹资成本低,但还息压力大;

    Each method has its characteristics , for example , the bank loan has simple procedures , low costs for financing but overload with interest ;

  5. 本文从历史沿革、旨、织机构、金来源、务领域和贷款程序六个层面对二者进行了比较。

    In this article , the authors compare them in terms of the history , purposes , organization , financial resources , operations and lending process .

  6. 可以提供低息贷款程序让乔治亚州,阿拉巴马州及佛罗里达斗争了很长一段时间。

    The program which could provide low-interest loans comes after a long legal battle with Georgia on one side and Alabama and Florida on the other .

  7. 第二章主要论述国际银团贷款程序以及各步骤中涉及的主要法律文件(不含国际银团贷款协议)。重点研究贷款条件清单、委任书和信息备忘录中的法律问题。

    The second chapter discusses the international syndicated loan procedures and involved main legal documents ( not include the international syndicated loan agreement ), such as loan inventory , mandate letter , information memorandum .

  8. 面对自有资金有限和银行贷款程序繁琐、贷款额度小的现实,融资问题已经成为了制约贵州中小企业发展的难题。

    The face of its own limited financial resources and bank loans cumbersome procedures , the reality of a small line of credit , financing has become a problem restricting the development of SMEs in Guizhou .

  9. 利用外国政府贷款的程序和风险防范

    The Procedures and Risk Management of Utilizing Foreign Government Loans

  10. 最后对金融机构贷款的程序规则进行了介绍和分析。第二部分:以非法占有为目的的认定。

    Finally , introduce and analyze procedure rules of loans of financial institutions . Part ⅱ: Identify the purpose of illegal possession .

  11. 属性扩展:例如,贷款应用程序需要对现有的常规客户对象添加风险评分属性。

    Attribute Extension : For example , a loan application would require the addition of a risk score attribute for the existing generic Customer object .

  12. 比如说,申请奖学金和贷款的程序都非常复杂、需要花很长时间,而学生们却很难真正拿到钱。

    For example , the application for scholarship and student loan is usually so complicated that the procedure seems to take forever , while students see no trace of money .

  13. 假设有一个基于web的JavaEE贷款报价应用程序,它获取客户信息,并调用决策服务来确定贷款利率(如果贷款申请符合条件)。

    Assume there is a Java EE web-based loan quotation application that takes in customer information and invokes the decision service to determine the loan rate if the loan application is eligible .

  14. 利用外国政府贷款医疗项目操作程序及需要注意的问题

    Questions and medical operating procedure in using the foreign government loan

  15. 贷款可以通过拍卖程序取得。

    The loans would be made available through an auction process .

  16. 除农户家庭特征外,贷款产品与贷款程序也是影响农户正规信贷需求的重要原因。

    Besides household character , credit products and loan procedure also affect credit demand .

  17. 品诚梅森律师事务所开发了一个可以读取并分析贷款协议条款的程序。

    Pinsent Masons has developed a programme that reads and analyses clauses in loan agreements .

  18. 斯科特贷款数据资料贷款审批程序,从小型企业管理活动。

    SBA Loan Data - A database of loan program approval activity from the Small Business Administration .

  19. 从调整贷款结构、完善贷款程序等几个方面阐述了四大国有商业银行防范信贷风险的方法和措施。

    This paper elaborates the methods and measures that four giant state-owned commercial banks keep away from the credit risks from adjusting loan structure and perfecting loan program .

  20. 汽车消费贷款保证保险极大地简化了贷款审批程序,释放了大量潜在的汽车消费需求,为我国汽车工业和汽车消费信贷市场的发展做出巨大贡献。

    The appearance of auto loan guarantee insurance not only greatly simplifies the loan approval procedures , but also boosts potential car consumption remarkably .

  21. 只有在确定了合格的授信对象并确定发放贷款以后,银行才能根据借款人和项目的风险状况进入贷款定价程序。

    Then after choosing appropriate borrowers and deciding to grant loan , the banks can price the credit risk of the loan .

  22. 个人间贷款发展缓慢,在一定程度上可能是因为,我们大多数人仍然看重大型机构与人无关的贷款程序。

    The slow growth of person-to-person lending may in part be because most of us still value the impersonal lending processes of large institutions .