
dài kuǎn duì xiànɡ
  • prospective borrower
  1. 在提供资金之前,他们得确认你是不是信誉良好的贷款对象。

    Before providing the cash , they will have to decide whether you are a good or bad risk

  2. 面对市场,在资产负债结构、收入结构、贷款对象等方面调整经营战略;

    Adjust management strategy ; On the basis of management strategy .

  3. 国有商业银行贷款对象选择问题研究

    Research on Select Credit Object of State-owned Commercial Bank

  4. 对于该项目,政府议会当时并未决定贷款对象。

    However , at the time , the State Council had not taken a decision on borrowing .

  5. 不同的时期,贷款对象选择的内容、方式、方法都不相同。

    The contents , means and methods of select credit object are different according to different period .

  6. 个人购置住房贷款对象应是具有完全民事行为能力的自然人。

    The prospective borrower of personal housing loan should be a natural person having a complete civil capacity .

  7. 因此,研究贷款对象应在一定的经济体制和银行体制背景下进行。

    So select credit object should be studied at the background of the fixed economy and bank system .

  8. 他们说,银行对贷款对象有严格的准则和要求。

    They said the bank has strict guidelines and requirements as to who they can lend money to .

  9. 二是银行应加强对贷款对象和项目的审查,严格规定归还贷款的数目、年限;

    The bank should attach more importance to the examination of projects and institu ˉ tions which apply for loans ;

  10. 如果银行在贷款对象和确定利率水平方面都获得更大的决定权,那么它们从此将让风险与回报相匹配。

    If banks had greater say over who they lent to and at what interest rate , they would begin to align risk with reward .

  11. 在浙江等地区,多数私营企业的创立资金都来自朋友、家庭或地下银行,而非通常将贷款对象集中在国有企业身上的国有银行。

    In an area such as Zhejiang , most private companies were founded using funds from friends and family or underground banks , rather than the official banks , which have tended to concentrate on state-owned companies .

  12. 通过分析本文还认为:长沙县农村信用社不良资产的形成,有体制,贷款对象,信用社内部管理和工作人员素质等方面原因。

    Through the analysis , this article also think : changsha rural credit cooperatives of non-performing assets of form , system , loan object , credit cooperatives internal management and the quality of staff in aspects of reason .

  13. 本文讨论资源共享环境下网络银行对学生贷款对象的伙伴选择,运用层次分析方法及三角模糊数运算规则,给出了针对学生个体网上贷款方式的一种网络银行网上选择贷款对象的有效方法。

    This paper discusses the partner selection for cyber bank based on the net circumstance , Proposes an effective method of cyber bank selecting loan partner of the student units by using AHP and the algorithm of triangle fuzzy number .

  14. 研究了由于信息不对称利率、汇率、管理及决策在金融行业的风险,以及操作过程中,贷款对象选择,对中小企业贷款的风险。

    The risks of interest rate , foreign exchange rate , management and decision-making in financial industry caused by asymmetric information are studied as well as the risks in selection of prospective borrowers and granting loan to medium and small enterprises existed in the operational process .

  15. 委托贷款的对象、用途、金额、期限、利率均由甲方在国家法律、政策允许的范围内根据具体情况核定。

    The entrusted loan object , purpose , amount , term , interest rate by the Party in national laws , policies to the extent permitted under the specific conditions for approval .

  16. 对于银行范畴的划分,国内学术界的研究,仅停留在贷款的对象是不是生产性企业的层面上,以此作为划分标准。

    The delineation of the scope for banks , domestic academic research , only the objects remain in the loan is not the level of productive enterprises , as a criteria for the classification .

  17. 小额贷款公司的服务对象主要面向农村地区贫困人口,因而具有完善农村地区金融体系,促进三农经济发展的作用,具有扶贫的公益性。

    The company has a perfect small loans in rural financial system , and promote the economic development of " agriculture , countryside and farmers " action , have " poverty alleviation " public benefits .

  18. 第三章为论文的重点部分,该部分以首批成立的七家小额贷款公司为例,从贷款对象、贷款方式、贷款利率、贷款流程四个方面阐述小额贷款公司的运营现状。

    The third chapter is the key part of the article , this part analyzes the operating situation of China ' microcredit companies by exampling the first batch of seven microcredit companies from the following four aspects : loan objects , loan ways , loan interest rates and loan process .

  19. 论文通过分析国家开发银行甘肃省分行电力项目贷款现状及贷款种类,对其贷款对象&电网项目、电源项目所面临的风险进行了分类。

    This thesis classified risk of power net project and electric source project which is the grant object of the China Development Bank Gansu Branch by means of the analysis on the project loan status and sorts .

  20. 认为助学贷款具有政策性、风险性、贷款对象和目的的单一性等特征;介绍了助学贷款在我国以及国外主要是美国、加拿大和日本的发展情况。

    Besides , national student loan has nature of policy , risk and special object and purpose , meanwhile , the development circumstance of national student loan legal system in China , America , Canada and Japan is also stated .

  21. 小额信贷扶贫到户不同于传统的小额信贷方式,该种贷款方式完全由村民自己运作,贷款对象面向贫困农户,运作成本低,还贷率达100%。

    The microfinance faced poverty farmers is different from the traditional microfinance . This means is operated by farmers , object of loan is poverty farmers , operation cost is very low , and return rate is a hundred percent .

  22. 商业银行货款组合决策的过程,是遵循效益性、安全性、流动性的原则,在综合考虑贷款收益和风险的前提下,从众多的贷款对象中选择一组合适的贷款对象的过程。

    Decision-making procession of loans portfolio optimization in commercial bank is to choose a set of objects to allow credit and maximize the return in certain risk level , which follows the principle of " profitability , security and mobility " .

  23. 最早国际上的小额信贷是指贷款数额小、期限短、利率高、无担保的纯信用贷款,贷款对象主要是低收入企业主、广大农民、城市贫困人口。

    Early microfinance refers to the credit loans which is with small amount , short-term , high interest rate and unsecured , targeting on low-income groups .

  24. 贷款获利需要两个条件:能带来诱人贷款机遇而不是那些只寻求低利率的贷款对象的特许经营权或网络;能分辨出好坏借款人的风险管理体系和市场知识。

    Lending profitably requires two things : a franchise or network to bring in attractive lending opportunities , rather than just those seeking a low rate , and risk management systems and market knowledge in order to distinguish the good borrowers from the bad .

  25. 由于商业银行向农户发放的贷款,完全凭借农户自身的信誉,这就使得银行不可避免的要承担潜在的信用风险,并且这种信用风险因为贷款对象是贫苦农民而具有一定的局限性。

    Commercial bank bring loans to farmers on the credit guarantee of farmers themselves , which makes the bank have to undertake corresponding risk , it should pay more attention to the risk that brought by the poor farmers .

  26. 贷款组合优化决策是商业银行在综合考虑其贷款风险和贷款收益的前提下,从众多贷款申请企业中选取一组最优贷款对象的过程,它是商业银行信贷管理的核心问题。

    Loan portfolio optimization decision is a process that the commercial banks select a group of optimal loan objects through many loan application enterprises based on the comprehensive consideration of the loan risk and loan earnings . It is the core problem of the commercial bank credit management .