
  • 网络Loan Risk;credit risk
  1. 实证研究结果表明:借鉴贷款风险度确定creditrisk+模型中单个借款人的违约概率这一方法具有可行性。

    The result shows : It is a feasible plan to refer to loan risk degree to determine Credit Risk model of individual probability in breach .

  2. Copula及其在贷款风险管理中的应用

    Copula and Applied in Managing Loan Risk

  3. B银行贷款风险分类评估体系的分析与建议

    Credit Risk Rating Systems Analysis of B City Commercial Banks

  4. BP神经网络在个人住房抵押贷款风险分析中的应用

    The Appliance of BP Net in Personal Housing Mortgage Risk Analysis

  5. 他似乎暗示,vertical的目的,是帮助美国银行对冲其抵押贷款风险。

    He seemed to suggest that the purpose of vertical was to help bank of America hedge its mortgage risks .

  6. VaR方法在银行贷款风险评估中的应用

    The Application of VaR Method to Risk Evaluation of Bank Loans

  7. 第五章在分析X高校贷款风险的具体情况的基础上,从高校、政府以及银行三方面探索防范地方高校贷款风险的具体对策。

    Chapter in the loan risk analysis of X-ray university , on the basis of the specific situation from universities , government and the bank three aspects of local university loan risk prevention countermeasures .

  8. 随着中国加入WTO,随着外资银行逐渐进入中国,国有商业银行要在这场日益激烈的国际竞争中立足脚跟,就必须尽快完善贷款风险分类、提高信贷风险的管理水平。

    Along with the bank of foreign capital come in , because of entry into WTO , we must perfect credit risk classification as soon as possible if the commercial bank of China want to keep its legs among the drastically competition .

  9. 过去两年来,这家咨询公司为中国本土银行提供的咨询,主要围绕着如何在遵循《新巴塞尔协议》(baselii)等国际基准的同时,评估和限制企业贷款风险。

    For the past two years , the new York-based consultancy has mostly advised domestic banks on how to evaluate and limit corporate lending risks , while complying with international benchmarks such as the Basel II standard .

  10. 本文借鉴了商业银行的creditrisk+信用风险模型、信用衍生产品、贷款风险度法等几种信用风险处理方法,结合信用担保机构的特点,创造性地把定量分析引入信用担保风险管理中。

    Several credit risk treatment methods used in commercial banks such as Credit Risk + model , credit derivatives , and loan risk measurement are used for reference and the characteristics of credit assurance organizations are integrated , furthermore , quantitative analysis is creatively introduced to credit assurance risk management .

  11. 三是建立贷款风险补偿机制;

    Third , to establish the compensation mechanism of credit risk ;

  12. 试论国有商业银行贷款风险分类的完善

    On the Perfection of Credit Risk Classification of State-Owned Commercial Bank

  13. 高校建设贷款风险防范措施研究

    Measures against the Risks from Construction Loan by Institutions of Higher Learning

  14. 关注欠发达地区土地储备贷款风险

    On Risk in Loan to Land Reserve in Under - developed Area

  15. 美国住房抵押贷款风险转移经验及启示

    American experience in risk-transferring of housing mortgage loan and enlightenment

  16. 对农发行贷款风险分类管理的思考

    Thought on the Loan Management According to the Classification of Loan Risks

  17. 贷款风险分类标准研究

    Study Of The Criterion Of Risk - based Loan Classification

  18. 贷款风险管理中道德风险的防范模型

    The Guarding Model of Moral Risk for Credit Risk Management

  19. 中国个人抵押贷款风险防范机制分析&建立我国个人住房抵押贷款风险防范机制的探讨

    The Analysis of Preventing Risk in Residential Mortgage in China

  20. 我国个人住房贷款风险因素分析

    An analysis of the causative factors for individual housing loan in China

  21. 商业银行个人信用贷款风险管理策略研究

    Commercial Banks Personal Credit Loans Risk Management Strategies Study

  22. 银行大型水利水电项目贷款风险评估体系的建构

    Risk-rating System on Bank 's loan to Large Water Conservancy & Hydroelectric Projects

  23. 高等学校如何防范贷款风险

    How to Guard Against the Risk of Loan in Institutions of Higher Learning

  24. 非对称信息下银行个人住房贷款风险成因与防范

    Cause and Countermeasures of the Risks from Individual Housing Loan for Unmatched Information

  25. 混合专家系统模型和贷款风险分类

    Hybrid Expertise System Model and Classification of Loans Risks

  26. 信息不对称是我国银行个人住房贷款风险产生的深层次原因。

    Unmatched information is the profound reason for bank credit risks in China .

  27. 关于我国住房贷款风险防范措施的研究

    A Research for Measures Against the Risks of Loan for Housing in China

  28. 基于人工智能贷款风险分类的系统设计

    A Study of Systems Designing for Loans Risk Classification Based on Artificial Intelligence

  29. 个人住房按揭贷款风险防范研究

    The Research of the Prevention of the Mortgage Loan of Personal House Risks

  30. 商业银行会计防范贷款风险的对策

    Methed of avoiding risk of loans in commercial bank