
  1. 银行间市场的描述我们从规模、效率、质量三个维度来考察,分别采用了资产指标、效率指标、不良贷款指标来衡量。

    As for the inter-bank market , three dimensions including scale , efficiency and quality are adopted ; correspondingly , asset indicators , efficiency indicators and non-performing loans indicators are taken respectively .

  2. 盈利能力选用净利润指标,风险状况选用不良贷款率指标。

    The profitability selected net profit indicators , the indicators of the risk profile of selected non-performing loan ratio .

  3. 由此可知,本文所建立的国家助学贷款信用指标体系作为预测贷款学生的信用度的模型是科学、客观和合理的。

    The result of the comparison testifies that the index system state student loan credit rating , as a credit-rating forecasting model , is scientific , objective and logical .

  4. 在公开场合,银行宣称自己在向小企业放贷;而实际上,一些银行不过是通过为丰田(Toyota)的子公司提供贷款来完成指标。

    In public the banks claimed they were lending to small enterprises ; in reality some were only meeting the targets by lending to subsidiaries of Toyota .

  5. 其次,中国转轨经济时期利率对物价、M2、贷款等经济指标作用的改变;

    Secondly , the change needs to be revealed on function of interest rates on economic indicators , such as prices , M2 , loan , etc. in the period of China 's economic transformation .

  6. KMV模型的主要优势是上市公司的违约距离可以根据股票交易数据的不断更新而即时调整,在我国现行条件下,上市公司违约距离可以作为银行监控上市公司贷款的预警指标。

    The main advantage of KMV model is distance to default of listed companies can adjust immediately according to the update of stock data . In Chinese current conditions , distance to default of listed companies can be warning indicators of listed companies ' load .

  7. 建立贷款风险预警指标体系的思考

    Thoughts on Establishing Credit Risk Alarm Indicator System

  8. 货币信贷运行良好,存贷款等多项指标创历史新高。

    Besides , monetary credit went well , indicators of deposits and loans achieved a new record .

  9. 国际金融组织贷款项目评价指标体系的建立及利用效果综合评价

    The Evaluation Index Systems of the Projects Funded by International Financial Institution and the Comprehensive Evaluating of Its Benefits

  10. 第二,从负债程度、支付能力和资金管理三个方面设计了高校贷款风险预警指标体系。

    Second , the forewarning system of university loan risk is designed from loan level , ability to pay and fund management .

  11. 我国商业银行将如何应对,尤其是在管理信用风险方面,我国与国外先进的管理水平差距较大,次级,可疑以及不良贷款余额等指标都不容乐观。

    How Chinese Commercial banks respond , particularly in regard of credit risk management , our country still lags far behind the overseas advanced management level .

  12. 这是本论文的核心章节,本文采用因子分析和判别分析的方法构建商业银行个人住房贷款新的指标评价体系。

    This is the core section of this paper , We built the new index evaluation system of individual housing loans for commercial banks by using factor analysis and discriminant analysis methods .

  13. 通过对中国农村金融机构储蓄存款、贷款等总量指标进行分析,描述了我国农村储蓄投资的实际状况;

    The article firstly depicts the real state of rural saving and investment of our country through putting up the analysis on the total amount indexes of savings account and loan of China 's rural financial institutions .

  14. 本文首先分析了生态学的相关理论,并且从态势理论出发,构建了丛于生态位理论的小额贷款公司评价指标体系,利用生态学态势理论对不同区域的小额贷款的生存环境进行了评价。

    The paper first analyzes the ecology theory , starting from the momentum theory , to build a small loan company evaluation index system based on niche theory , using the theory of ecology trend in different regions of the living environment of the small loans were evaluated .

  15. 第二章基于违约判别能力的农户小额贷款信用等级评价指标体系的构建。

    The second chapter expounds the construction of the index system of small amount loans for farmers based on comprehensive discriminate capacity .

  16. 充分考虑信用风险的影响并选取不良贷款率作为衡量指标是本文的第一个创新点。

    Considering the credit risks effect and choosing non-performing loan ratio as the credit risk factors are the first creative point in this article .

  17. 运用层次权重分析法对贷款类资产风险指标体系进行综合评价,为判断银行货款类资产质量和风险评价提供了依据。

    The AHP method was utilized to evaluate this asset risk index system , which provided references for banks to determine the asset quality for loans .

  18. 向量误差修正模型的实证分析结果表明,金融机构本外币贷款的增长率指标对七十个大中城市房屋销售价格指标的增长率有促进作用,这和前文的理论分析相吻合。

    Vector error correction model , the empirical analysis indicates that , financial institutions and foreign currency loan growth index of home sales of 70 cities the growth rate of price index , and declination of theoretical analysis of the above are the same .