
  • 网络electronic fund transfer
  1. 作为世界上调整大额电子资金划拨最完善的法律,美国《统一商法典》第4A编创设了支付命令和安全程序等全新的概念与规则。

    As the most advanced law regulating large value electronic fund transfer , Article 4A of Uniform Commercial Code creates some new concepts and norms , say , " payment order ", " security procedure " .

  2. 支付命令不仅是4A编所界定的支付指令,而且对确定4A编的调整范围和大额电子资金划拨各当事方权利义务具有重要的意义。

    Payment order is not only the payment instruction that Article 4A defines , but also plays an important role in defining the regulation scope of Article 4A as well as the obligations and rights of each party in large value electronic fund transfer .

  3. 我国大额电子资金划拨立法应该借鉴美国《统一商法典》第4A编和《国际贷记划拨示范法》的做法,明确系统规则的法律地位。

    The legislation of large-value electronic funds transfer in our country should learn from Uniform Commercial Code Article 4A and UNCITRAL Model Law on International Credit Transfers and clarify the legal status of system rules .

  4. 大额电子资金划拨中的信息安全研究

    The Study on The Information Safety of Wholesale Electronic Funds Transfer

  5. 大额电子资金划拨立法势在必行。

    It is necessary to legislate for large-value electronic funds transfer .

  6. 我国消费者电子资金划拨中消费者权益保护研究

    Study on Consumer-Rights Protection in Consumer EFT of Our Country

  7. 电子资金划拨是电子商务的重要环节。

    Electronic funds transfer is one of the important parts of electronic commerce .

  8. 未经授权的电子资金划拨损失分担规则研究

    Research on the Rules of Loss Allocation in the Unauthorized Electronic Funds Transfer

  9. 国际大额电子资金划拨的法律问题研究

    A Study on the Legal Problems of International Large Volume Electronic Funds Transfer

  10. 电子资金划拨是计算机技术和电子网络技术发展的结果。

    Electronic fund transfer is the result of technology development of computer and network .

  11. 论网上银行电子资金划拨中客户权益的法律保护

    The Research on the E-bank Customer Rights in the Process of Electronic Funds Transfer

  12. 计算机技术的产生与发展为国际支付带来了划时代的变革,国际货物买卖与国际金融交易已经在越来越大的程度上依靠商业性电子资金划拨系统来调拨资金和清偿债务。

    The development of computer technology has caused a revolution in the international payment .

  13. 国际大额电子资金划拨,是未来全球电子商务支付的基础。

    International great electronic funds transfer is the main payment way in the international payment .

  14. 大额电子资金划拨中的利益分析及其立法贯彻

    Analysis on the Interests of Large-value Electronic Funds Transfer and Their Implementation in the Legislation

  15. 这种新的支付方式的出现,也促成了以它为调整对象的电子资金划拨法的产生与发展。

    The coming of this new payment measure imposes the birth and development of Electronic Fund Transfer act .

  16. 网上银行电子资金划拨就是网银业务开展过程当中所涉及的一个重要的环节。

    Electronic Funds Transfer of E-bank is one important link in the process of Internet bank business activities .

  17. 对于小额电子资金划拨系统无疑要进行合并控制,但控制标准要放松。

    We should establish merger control to small-value electronic funds transfer , but the controlling standard should be loosen .

  18. 论大额电子资金划拨系统规则的法律地位&以降低系统风险为出发点

    On the Legal Status Of Large-Value Electronic Funds Transfer System Rule & From the Starting Point of System Risk Reduction

  19. 消费性电子资金划拨是伴随着金融电子化出现的一种资金转移方式。

    Consumer electronic funds transfer ( CEFT ) is a kind of mode of funds transfer which emerged with the electronic finance .

  20. 大额电子资金划拨立法势在必行。大额医疗费用与补充医疗保险

    It is necessary to legislate for large-value electronic funds transfer . A study on the relationship between large medical expenditure and supplementary medical insurance

  21. 小额电子资金划拨中的消费者保护&英美法的借鉴与中国相关法制的完善

    Studies of Consumer Protection in Retail Electronic Fund Transfer & About the Emulation From Anglo-US Legislation and the Perfection of China 's Related Laws

  22. 消费性电子资金划拨中的消费者权益保护最后我想了解一下电子资金调拨对私人客户有什么意义?

    The Protection of Consumer s Rights and Interests in the Electronic Funds Transfer ; So finally , what about EFT and the private consumer ?

  23. 小额电子资金划拨是通过一组合同群来调整所涉及的各方当事人之间的法律关系,共同完成一项消费的支付与结算。

    Consumer EFT regulates its involved legal relationships by a group of contracts , all of which serve for accomplishing a consumptive payment and funds transfer .

  24. 电子资金划拨正以其高效率低成本的巨大优势,逐渐取代票据等传统的支付方式,得到广泛的应用与推广。

    With the huge advantages of low cost and high efficiency , Electronic Fund Transfer is taking the place of the traditional payment measures and being widely used .

  25. 这一模式的基本思路应包括两个方面,一是把制定单行的消费性电子资金划拨法与完善和制定相关法律结合起来。

    The basic thinking should include two aspects , the first one is thatcombine the single consumer electronic funds transfer law in establishment with perfecting and constituting related laws .

  26. 其《电子资金划拨法》以保护消费者为宗旨,素有电子银行时代的消费者保护法之称。

    It " Electronic Fund Transfers Law " take to protect the consumer as an objective , usually has the electronic bank time name of the consumer protection method .

  27. 我国虽然于1999年3月颁布了《银行卡业务管理办法》,专门对消费性电子资金划拨进行调整,但由于一些主客观原因,使得其在保护消费者权益方面的作用极其有限。

    Although our country promulgated the Bank Card Business Management in March 1999 , its function is very limited in aspect of protecting consumer as some subjective and objective reasons .

  28. 在消费性电子资金划拨中,由于消费者的弱势地位和格式合同的存在,消费者的权益往往难以得到有效保护。

    In the consumer electronic funds transfer , consumer 's benefits are usually hard to get valid protection because of consumer 's minor position and the presence of model contract .

  29. 摘要系统风险不仅牵动着大额电子资金划拨系统运营者和系统成员的利益,更影响着一国的经济安全与金融竞争力。

    System risk not only affects the interests of the large-value electronic funds transfer system 's operators and participants but also impairs the economic security and financial competitiveness of the country .

  30. 第一部分简要介绍消费性电子资金划拨的主要方式并对各当事方之间的法律关系进行分析。

    The first part of brief introduction expense electron fund transfers the fund a mental mode and to respectively is concerned between the side legal relationship to carry on the analysis .