
  • 网络electronic coupon;e-Coupon;passbook
  1. 新系统将包括改进后的Siri语音助理、新的电子优惠券服务“Passbook”,以及新的呼叫屏蔽功能等。

    That software , iOS 6 , includes improvements to voice-activated assistant Siri , a new digital-coupon-and-passes service called Passbook , and new call-blocking features , among several others .

  2. 在价格方面,可以提供电子优惠券和增加低价产品品种。

    In terms of price , can provide low-cost electronic coupons and increased product variety .

  3. 在收到回执报告信息的同时还可收到各类信息资讯、电子优惠券等附加服务信息。

    In the report of the information received receipt and can also receive all kinds of information , electronic coupons and additional services and information .

  4. 优惠券仍主要来源于报纸插页,但你也可以在商店的官网上找到电子优惠券。

    Newspaper inserts are still the main source for coupons , but you can also find coupons online at store online sites , and manufacturer websites as well .

  5. 电子优惠券就是商家在网上以电子文本和图片形式存在的一种打折优惠信息或优惠券,主要区别于纸质印刷的优惠券,比纸质优惠券更加环保和方便易用。

    Electronic coupons is form of electronic text and images in the internet , the main difference in paper printing is that the coupons are more environmental protection and easy to use than paper coupons .

  6. 这项研究包括在vouchercloud.net发起的系列研究之内,它们旨在调查“科技在美国消费者生活中的影响”,研究还显示了在过去的12个月里,“电子优惠券”居热门搜索的前几位。

    The study was conducted by vouchercloud.net as part of research into the part that technology plays in the lives of American consumers , given that ' technology coupons ' were amongst the top searched-for on site for the past 12 months consecutively .

  7. 接着从业务流程入手,分系统进行需求分析,消费者从移动快线客户端或移动快线门户网站获得本地生活信息,电子优惠券,会员卡等信息,并持会员卡、优惠券等到商家消费,获得便利。

    Then , starting from the business process , analysis for each system , consumers from M-express client or M-express portal to obtain information on the local community information , e-coupons , membership cards and membership card , coupons wait until the business consumer , convenience .

  8. 用户一旦注册,就可以通过博客发表自己的意见、共享电子版优惠券和食品配方、通过邮件索取样品。

    Once registered , users can voice their opinions via blog posts , share online coupon offers and recipes , and test new sample kits via the mail .