
dān bǎo jiè kuǎn
  • Guaranteed loan;loan on security
  1. 如果转让并不符合这一要求,双方的交易必须转移帐户作为质押担保借款的担保品。

    If the transfer does not meet this requirement , the two parties to the transaction must account for the transfer as a secured borrowing with a pledge of collateral .

  2. 此外,在贷款类型上,信用借款对财务状况的敏感性比较强,而担保借款类(保证、抵押借款)则与财务状况的相关性并不十分显著。

    In addition , on the loan type , credit borrowing stronger sensitivity to the financial situation , and guarantee the borrowing class ( guarantee , mortgage loans ) and financial situation is not very significant correlation .

  3. 发行越来越多的担保借款,可能正成为一种恶性循环:如果由于资产拖累不断加重,投资者会向无担保借款收取更高的利率,而银行将被迫绑定更多的最优质贷款,以筹集资金。

    Growing use of secured borrowing risks becoming a vicious circle : if investors charge more for unsecured borrowing because of rising asset encumbrance , banks will be forced to tie up even more of their very best loans to raise funds .

  4. 尤其是,它们需要配合旨在降低融资成本(比如联邦政府担保的借款和美联储(fed)贷款)和便于移除过多有毒资产的措施。

    In particular , they need to work together with the implementation of initiatives aimed at lowering funding costs ( such as federally-guaranteed borrowings and federal reserve facilities ) , and facilitating the removal of the overhang of toxic assets .

  5. 尼日利亚还以未来的石油收入为担保大量借款。

    Nigeria also borrows heavily on the basis of future oil earnings .

  6. 各国政府还再次出台担保银行借款的政策。

    Governments also put guarantees for banks ' borrowing back on the table .

  7. 担保对于借款者的品质又具有信号传递作用,这有利于贷款者更好地进行风险控制。

    The collateral chosen by the borrower provides a signal to the lender of the borrower 's quality , and also gives the lender some advantages to control risk .

  8. 银行业反对资产“圈护”的主要理由是,如果投资银行无法用零售储蓄和相应的纳税人担保充当借款抵押品,那么投资银行的资金成本就会提高。

    The principal argument the banks have raised against ringfencing is that the cost of capital to investment banking would be higher if retail deposits and the associated taxpayer guarantee could not be used as collateral for its borrowings .

  9. 以船舶为担保品的借款

    Loan raised on the security of the vessel

  10. 借款人可能被要求提供担保品以作借款抵押。

    Borrowers may be asked to collateralize the lians .

  11. 他把房契给我作担保,向我借款一万英镑。

    He handed me the deeds of the house in security for the advance of & 10 , 000 .

  12. “版权担保协议”指借款方于本合同签署日期以贷款方为受惠人而签订的版权担保协议。

    " Copyright Security Agreement " means the Copyright Security Agreement by the Borrower in favor of the Lender of even date herewith .

  13. 为了有资格偿还贷款,银行必须向私人投资者发行新股,并能够在没有政府担保的情况下借款。

    To be eligible to repay , the banks had to be able to issue new shares to private investors and to be able to borrow without government guarantees .

  14. 然而现实中,为了保证市政建设的顺利进行,地方政府通过包装地方政府投融资平台或城投公司,由地方政府提供担保或向银行借款来发行债券,即是所谓的城投债。

    However , in order to ensure the smooth progress of municipal construction , the local government establishes Urban Construction Investment Company guaranteed by local governments to issue bonds , that is , the so-called " City Investment Bond " .

  15. 对担保债券或其它担保借款的长期依赖,可能会让所有其它债权人感到不安全其中包括提供存款担保的政府。

    The long-term reliance on covered bonds or other secured borrowing threatens to leave all other creditors , including governments extending deposit guarantees , with no security .

  16. 在欧洲,监管者设置的上限有所不同;一些国家没有设限,但它们都清楚,它们所监管的银行依赖担保债券的原因,是无担保借款成本过高。

    In Europe , regulators have differing limits ; some have none , and all are aware that the banks they supervise are relying on covered bonds because unsecured borrowing is too expensive .

  17. 公告中还说,摩根大通和美国政府将共同向贝尔斯登提供“有担保贷款”,即有抵押物作为担保的借款,“目前贷款期限不超过28天”。

    The release went on to say that the bank and the government would together lend Bear'secured funding , 'or money backed by collateral , for'an initial period of up to28 days .

  18. 诉状称,德银及其美国部门利用美国联邦住房管理局(federalhousingadministration)一个提供抵押贷款违约担保的项目,鼓励银行及其它金融公司向达不到正常担保要求的借款者放贷。

    According to the suit , Deutsche and its US unit took advantage of a federal housing administration programme that insured mortgages against possible defaults as a means to encourage banks and other finance companies to extend credit to borrowers who would fall short of normal underwriting standards .