
  1. 第五章,归纳和分析了留置权的优先性问题,特别分析了留置权与其它担保物权竞存时的情况,从而得出留置权优于其它担保物权的一般原则。

    Chapter V sum up and analyze question of the priorty of lien , specially analyze the situation where lien and other read right for security coexist , then obtain the general principle that lien is prior to other real right for security .

  2. 只有满足相关条件才能产生担保物权的竞存以及相应的顺位调整问题。

    Only on the relevant conditions do have the competitive existence of real right for security and its corresponding sequence question .

  3. 本文第二部分将同类担保物权的竞存归纳为一部分进行探讨。

    The second part of the article will make a conclusion of the competitive exist of the congener security interest in one part .

  4. 物权发展导致内容性质相同或相异的数项物权竞存于同一标的物之上且效力彼此争胜,导致抵押权与其他物权,尤其是与担保物权的竞存及效力冲突。

    The development of real rights makes possible that several real rights with the same or different characters coexist on the same subject matter and their effects conflict with each other , thus results in coexistence and effect conflicts between hypothec and other real rights , particularly other security interests .

  5. 最后,对于非典型担保物权之间的竞存,本文也尝试性地进行了论述。

    Lastly , the article also discusses about the competitive-existed between untypical security interests .