
The IMF recommends making all financial institutions pay the levy based on the size of their liabilities , minus tier one capital and insured deposits .
A more radical proposal would be to allow non-insured deposit banks .
He wants to prevent banks from using government-insured deposits to make risky investments .
True , its balance fell to $ 13bn at the end of March , or just 0.27 per cent of insured deposits well below the statutory minimum .
One issue that dominated discussion at the WEF was proprietary trading and a putative move by the Obama administration to ban the activity at banks that take insured deposits .
Legally guaranteed deposits of up to $ 130000 would be spun off into healthy banks , while much of the rest of depositors ' money would go towards paying off the toxic investments .
Under the deal agreed in December , member states would build up a resolution fund over 10 years , covering about 1 per cent of all insured deposits , which amount to about € 55bn .
Banning prop trading by retail banks would prevent state-insured deposits being used as chips in the financial casino .
The big idea is that insured deposits should be backed by genuinely safe liquid assets known as 100 per cent reserve banking .
Dodd-Frank was supposed to move the risky business of Wall Street out of the really large banks that have federally insured deposits , and , oh yeah , an implied backing from the government , and into hedge funds .
Said Bill Isaac , former chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , which guarantees deposits at US banks .
Third , the change to TDI would apply to funding from banks and other financial entities or capital market sources but not to funding through insured retail deposits .
The money supply consists largely of government-insured bank deposits that households and businesses are holding because of a concern about the liquidity and safety of other forms of investment .
Other countries have taken steps to keep people from withdrawing money from banks . Ireland , Germany and Britain increased the limit of bank deposits guaranteed by their governments .
But the main logic was financial : the cross subsidy made possible by a passive deposit base guaranteed by the taxpayer .