
  • 网络commission insurance
  1. 贵行开办代理保险业务了吗?

    Have you opened a new business of commission insurance in your bank ?

  2. 早上好,小姐!贵行开办代理保险业务了吗?

    Good morning , Miss ! Have you opened a new business of commission insurance in your bank ?

  3. 因此,商业银行应大力开展代理保险业务。

    Therefore , the commercial bank should open the insurance agency business .

  4. 吉林省邮政代理保险业务发展研究

    Postal Insurance Agency Development Research of Jilin Province

  5. 促进银行代理保险业务良性发展的措施

    Study on measures of promoting good development of insurance agency business in commercial banks

  6. 银行代理保险业务存在的五大问题

    Five Problems in Bank Insurance Agent

  7. 发展代理保险业务不仅可以为商业银行提供可观的利润,而且还可以保障贷款资金的安全。

    Developing the insurance agency business can not only provide considerable profits for the commercial bank , but also guarantee the safety of loan .

  8. 商业银行开展代理保险业务,应当遵循公开、公平、公正的原则,充分保护客户利益。

    Commercial banks that operate the bancassurance business shall follow the principles of openness , equity and fairness , and fully protect the interests of clients .

  9. 与此同时,也为邮政部门如何应对市场危机提出了建议,尽力缓解邮政部门在代理保险业务时遭遇的风险。

    Meanwhile , this paper offers some suggestions for the postal corporations about how to deal with the market crisis and how to reduce the risk of the insurance agency business .

  10. 本文根据银行代理保险业务需求,结合现代信息技术,设计开发了一个品牌理念广阔、功能完善、管控严密、标准统一的银行代理保险业务系统。

    Based on the bank insurance agency needs , combined with modern information technology , design and development of a broad concept of a brand , function perfect , tight control , the standard uniform system of bank insurance agency .

  11. 正因为如此,目前我国银行柜台代理销售保险业务的模式所存在的各种问题日趋明显。

    This is why more and more problems become occurring in the Chinese bancassurance business model .

  12. 目前我国保险所采用的是银行柜台代理销售保险业务的模式,这是由我国金融环境的现状和银行保险的发展阶段所决定的。

    Because of the Chinese financial environment and present situation , the pattern of counter sale is the bancassurance business model generally adopted by china .

  13. 保险代理是保险业务经营方式之一,也是代理制度、代理理念在保险营销中的运用。

    Insurance agency is one of the insurance business operation modes , and it is also the application of agent system and concept of agent in insurance marketing .

  14. 近代中国“银险一体化”有两种主要形式:一是银行直接投资保险业;二是银行代理保险公司业务。

    In modern China the specific phenomenon " Integration of bank and insurance " appeared in two ways : banks directly invest the insurance and banks serve as an agent of the insurance company .

  15. A银行代理银行保险业务已有10年,产品与销售流程日趋成熟,但随着市场竞争的白热化,A银行的市场份额从四大国有银行中第一位下滑至第三位。

    Bank A has been the agent of banc assurance for ten years . The product and marketing flow have been becoming mature . But as the stronger market competition , the market share ranking order in four stated-owned banks changes from first to third .

  16. 保险代理人和保险经纪人从事保险代理业务或者保险经纪业务,必须要有自己的经营场所。

    Insurance agent and insurance broker are engaged in insurance representative business perhaps be sure manager business , must want to have oneself management place .